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  <div class="about-us grid-container" data-test="page-about-us">
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        <p>The Insites eco-system is designed to make creating stunning web applications easy,
          fast and reliable. A digital platform tailored for business. Deliver powerful business
          websites and online stores to your clients with an all-in-one hosted solution.</p>
        <div class="spacer"></div>
        <p>Create world class web applications/SaaS products using a framework
          that comes complete with UI components and a development eco-system.</p>
        class="large-5 large-offset-1 medium-5 medium-offset-1 small-12 large-order-2 medium-order-2 small-order-1 cell">
        <img src="https://insites.imgix.net/Dark.png"
          alt="Insites Dashboard" />
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