Editing a Database

Last updated on August 01, 2024.

To edit a database via the Instance Admin:

  1. Navigate to Databases from the main menu.
  2. Select All Databases.
  3. Find the database you want to edit and select its Configuration row action link.
  4. Make your changes on the following tabs:

    • Configuration
    • Fields

    The contents of each tab are discussed in their respective sections in this article.

  5. Click SAVE.


You can change the database display name as it appears on your Instance Admin; however, the table name will remain. This setup protects data integrity and consistency in the databases in your Instance. Consider the two tables below:

Original database name:

Database NameTable Name
Clients modules/ins_databases/clients

Updated database name:

Database NameTable Name
Customers modules/ins_databases/clients

Note that while the values in the 'Database Name' column have changed, the ones in the 'Table Name' column haven't.


You may copy the YAML Configuration to use the database configuration in your codebase.


You can edit the configuration of a particular field in this database using this tab. In addition, you may make changes to field groups.

Editing a Field Group

To update a field group:

  1. Navigate to Databases from the main menu.
  2. Select All Databases.
  3. Find the database that has the field group you want to update and click on its Configuration row action link.
  4. Select the Fields tab.
  5. Find the field group you want to update. You may make the following changes to a field group by choosing the following icons:
    • () Add a field to the field group.
    • () Rename a field group.
    • () Delete field group. Beware! This action deletes all associated fields.
  6. Click on SAVE FIELD when you are done with your changes to the field group. You may proceed to make other changes to your database configuration.
  7. Click SAVE to finalise all changes.

Editing a Field

To edit a field:

  1. Navigate to Databases from the main menu.
  2. Select All Databases.
  3. Find the database that has the field group you want to update and click on its Configuration row action link.
  4. Select the Fields tab.
  5. Choose a field and make your updates on one of the three available tabs:
    • Properties
    • Metadata
    • Appearance
    The input requirements and descriptions for each field in their respective tabs are displayed in a table in the next three sections.
  6. Click on SAVE FIELD when you are done with your changes to the field group. You may proceed to make other changes to your database configuration.
  7. Click SAVE to finalise all changes.


Update the following database field properties on this tab. Refer to the table below for input requirements and descriptions.

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Field Name Text Field Yes Name or label for the field. The system displays 'Database Column Name' to indicate the unique field reference that Insites uses. It is used throughout the Instance and cannot be changed once created.
Field Type Dropdown Field Yes You cannot update this field. This rule is imposed to protect data integrity.
UI Element Dropdown Field Yes UI Element used by the field on the Instance Admin.
Mandatory Toggle No Indicates the requirement status of the field on the Instance Admin.


You may update a field's metadata on this tab. The list of fields, along with their descriptions and requirements, is displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Error Message Text Field No The error message for this field.
Example Data Text Field No Sample data for the field.
Validation Text Field No Field validation rules.
Default Value Text Field No Field default values.
Character Limit Numeric Field No Field character limits.
Placeholder Text Field No Field placeholder value.
Description / Notes Text Area No Notes/description of various field characteristics and behaviour. Can be useful for debugging and quality control. 
Mock Data Code Editor No Mock data that you can use to test the field. Useful in development.


Use this tab to manage or update the appearance of your fields on the Instance Admin. Refer to the table below for input requirements and descriptions:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Show In Table Toggle No Show or hide the field within the Instance Admin.
Searchable Toggle No Makes a field searchable within the Instance Admin.
Sortable Toggle No Allow or disallow users to sort the information on this field as displayed within the Instance Admin.
Help Text (Tooltip) Text Area No Tooltip for the field that helps users understand what data to enter and avoid making input errors.
Column Width Numeric Field No Field width in the Instance Admin.

The majority of UI elements make use of all the fields presented in the table above. However, certain elements may utilize fewer fields based on their specific context of use.

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