Element: <ins-input-file>
Defines an input file field. ( NOTE: This component does not handle file upload process. It only serves as an 'input' field.)
Code Snippet
<ins-input-file label="Sample Attachment" max-files="3" max-file-size="2" accepted-files="image/*,.pdf,.csv" tooltip="This is a sample tooltip content. It also support html content."> </ins-input-file>
Code Snippet
<ins-input-file label="Description Example" html-description description="This is a <strong>Description</strong> <i>Example</i>"> </ins-input-file>
Code Snippet
<ins-input-file label="Error Field" has-error error-message="This is a required field"> </ins-input-file>
Code Snippet
<ins-input-file label="Disabled Field" placeholder="This field is disabled" disabled> </ins-input-file>
Code Snippet
<ins-input-file id="directFieldEl"> </ins-input-file> <script> var label = "Upload Image(s)"; var value = [{ name: "sample-image.jpg", size: 12412, type:"image/jpg", url: "https://uploads.staging.oregon.platform-os.com/instances/2182/uploads/images/custom_image/image/194/thumb_aromatic-beverage-caffeine-2074122.jpg" }] var field = document.getElementById('directFieldEl'); field.addEventListener('didLoad', function(e){ field.label = label; field.setFiles(value); }); </script>
Code Snippet
<ins-input-file label="Sample Attachment" id="insFileEl" max-files="10" max-file-size="5" tooltip="This is a sample tooltip content. It also support html content."> </ins-input-file> <p id="errors" style="font-size: 12px; color:#f27474; "></p> <ins-button solid label="get files" id="getFiles"> </ins-button> <ins-button color="green" solid label="Add File Programmatically" id="addFiles"> </ins-button> <ins-button color="negative" solid label="Clear" id="clearFiles"> </ins-button> <script> let insFileEl = document.getElementById("insFileEl"); let errorMessage = ""; // Event for when a file has been 'added' insFileEl.addEventListener("fileAdded", (file) => { console.log('Event: fileAdded', file.detail); }); // Event for when a file has been 'removed' insFileEl.addEventListener("fileRemoved", (file) => { console.log('Event: fileRemoved', file.detail); }); // Event when an 'error' encounted on attach / upload // (ie. file size too big or file type not allowed) insFileEl.addEventListener("fileError", (file) => { // Display error message on an HTML element document.getElementById('errors').innerHTML = "*"+file.detail.errorMessage; // Remove error message after 5sec setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById('errors').innerHTML = ""; }, 5000); }); // Button trigger to get files list document.getElementById('getFiles').addEventListener("insClick", () => { console.log("File(s) Attached", insFileEl.getFilesList()); alert("Check console log for data"); }); // Button trigger to add files programmatically from URL document.getElementById('addFiles').addEventListener("insClick", () => { insFileEl.setFiles([ // Example file object { name: "sample-image.jpg", size: 32343, type: "image/jpg", url: "https://uploads.staging.oregon.platform-os.com/instances/2182/uploads/images/custom_image/image/194/thumb_aromatic-beverage-caffeine-2074122.jpg" } ]); }); // Button trigger to clear files list document.getElementById('clearFiles').addEventListener("insClick", () => { insFileEl.removeFiles(); console.log("Files Removed", insFileEl.getFilesList()); }); </script>
*Example does not actually upload. Use only for code reference
Code Snippet
<ins-input-file id="autoUploadEl" max-files=3 auto-upload accepted-files="image/*" label="Example Auto Upload" field-name="image_attachment" field-type="image" credentials-url="/api/reports/get-s3-credentials.json"> </ins-input-file>
label | string | "" | any | Label shown for the field |
subtext | string | "" | any | Text shown below the label. This will overwrite the default subtext |
name | string | file | any | Specify the field name |
value | array object | "" | [{name: string!, url: string!, size: int, type: sting}] ie. [{name: "sample.jpg", url: "https://docs.insites.io/assets/images/sample.jpeg", size: 1231, type: "image/jpg"}] | Specify field value |
placeholder | string | "Drop file here or click to upload" | any | Text display when field is empty |
disabled | boolean | false | true, false | Disables the field |
capture | string | "" | any (ie. camera) | Add the attribute 'capture' to the field. Commonly used for device integrations (ie. mobile apps) |
show-notifications | boolean | true | true, false | Display an alert/notification/error when an event happen to file. (ie. invalid file type, exceeded file size, exceeded max file count, cancelled upload, etc.) |
has-error | boolean | false | true, false | Defines if the field is invalid / error |
error-message | string | "" | any | Message shown when field has error |
required | boolean | false | true, false | Specifies that the field must be filled out before submitting the form |
file-icon | string | "icon-notepad" | any | CSS class used to for icon display for 'not image' files |
accepted-files | string | "" | any | Define file types accepted, comma separated to allow 'multiple' types. ei. image/*, application/pdf, .svg, .zip |
type-label | string | "file" | any | Specify the label for type of file(s) (ie. documents, files, photos, etc.) |
max-files | number | 1 | integer > 0 | Specify maximum file(s) can be attached |
max-file-size | number | 10 | integer > 0 | Specify maximum bytes/size (per file) that can be attached |
show-limit | boolean | true | true, false | Specify if the file restriction limit is shown or hidden |
max-files-label | string | "Up to" | any | Specify the text label for max file count |
max-file-size-label | string | "Max file size" | any | Specify the text label for max file size |
auto-upload | boolean | false | true, false | Automatically upload file(s) to S3 and binds the uploaded URL to the file data as 'upload_url'. NOTE: Only supports platformOS - S3 upload. |
credentials-url | string | "" | any valid URL | API source to get upload credentials. |
field-type | string | "image" | pOS fields: ["image", "file"] | platformOS field type to reference for the credentials. (case sensitive) |
field-name | string | "" | any | Field name to reference for the credentials. (case sensitive) |
tooltip | string | "" | - | Displays a tooltip beside the label. Supports HTML Content |
html-description | boolean | false | true, false | Enables HTML tags in the description |
description | string | "" | any | Defines the description value |
insFileAdded | file | Emit file details when a file is successfully accepted/added on the field. |
insFileRemoved | file | Emit file details when a file is removed from the field. |
insFileError | file | Emit file details when a file is rejected/invalid. |
getFilesList | n/a | array object | Return all files on the field |
getUploadingFiles | n/a | array object | Return all files being uploaded |
setFiles | array | n/a | Set value to the file field programmatically. See limitations below. |
removeFiles | n/a | n/a | Remove all files on field |
Limitations:* Does not validate file size.
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