Linting Rules

Last updated on June 26, 2024.

The Insites CLI tool checks your codebase for programmatic and stylistic errors when deploying. This article provides a detailed list of the rules that the tool examines.


The tool checks if the code uses:

  • valid tags
  • valid filters


The tool checks if profilers are on.


Insites CLI performs the following checks:

  • Check for unnecessary brackets after the input name.
  • has now been replaced with .
  • The usage of the following keys has been changed:

    • has been replaced with .
    • has been replaced with .
    • has been replaced with .
  • has been renamed to .


Model names must use , not .

File Extensions

Directories must only contain files with the extensions they are supposed to have.


Insites CLI checks for multiple file names with the same partial path.

File Names

The tool checks for filenames that contain prohibited special characters.

Orphaned Partials

The tool checks for orphaned partials in the codebase.

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