Element: <ins-card-select>
Defines a card select field.
The Card Select component serves as a container for a set of selectable cards, represented by Card Select Option components. It implements single-selection behavior, analogous to a radio button group, ensuring that only one option can be selected at any given time. This functionality makes the card select component suitable for use cases requiring a single choice from a predefined set of options.
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
Code Snippet
<ins-card-select label="Card Select" tooltip="This is a sample tooltip content. It also support html content."> <div> <ins-card-select-option value="value_1"> <div> <strong>Option 1</strong><br/> <p>Value 1</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> <ins-card-select-option value="value_2"> <div> <strong>Option 2</strong><br/> <p>Value 2</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> <ins-card-select-option value="value_3"> <div> <strong>Option 3</strong><br/> <p>Value 3</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> </div> </ins-card-select>
Value 1
Value 2
Code Snippet
<ins-card-select label="Description Example" html-description description="This is a <strong>Description</strong> <i>Example</i>"> <div> <ins-card-select-option value="value_1"> <div> <strong>Option 1</strong><br/> <p>Value 1</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> <ins-card-select-option value="value_2"> <div> <strong>Option 2</strong><br/> <p>Value 2</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> </div> </ins-card-select>
Value 1
Value 2
Code Snippet
<ins-card-select label="Error State" has-error error-message="This field is required."> <div> <ins-card-select-option value="value_1"> <div> <strong>Option 1</strong><br/> <p>Value 1</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> <ins-card-select-option value="value_2"> <div> <strong>Option 2</strong><br/> <p>Value 2</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> </div> </ins-card-select>
Value 1
Value 2
Code Snippet
<ins-card-select label="Disabled State" disabled> <div> <ins-card-select-option value="value_1"> <div> <strong>Option 1</strong><br/> <p>Value 1</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> <ins-card-select-option value="value_2"> <div> <strong>Option 2</strong><br/> <p>Value 2</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> </div> </ins-card-select>
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
Value 4
Code Snippet
<ins-card-select label="Multiple Attribute" multiple> <div> <ins-card-select-option value="value_1"> <div> <strong>Option 1</strong><br/> <p>Value 1</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> <ins-card-select-option value="value_2"> <div> <strong>Option 2</strong><br/> <p>Value 2</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> <ins-card-select-option value="value_3"> <div> <strong>Option 3</strong><br/> <p>Value 3</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> <ins-card-select-option value="value_4"> <div> <strong>Option 4</strong><br/> <p>Value 4</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> </div> </ins-card-select>
Value 1
Value 2
Code Snippet
<ins-card-select id="directSetDataEl"> <div> <ins-card-select-option value="value_1"> <div> <strong>Option 1</strong><br/> <p>Value 1</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> <ins-card-select-option value="value_2"> <div> <strong>Option 2</strong><br/> <p>Value 2</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> </div> </ins-card-select> <script> var dsv = document.getElementById('directSetDataEl') dsv.addEventListener('didLoad', function(e){ dsv.setValue("value_1"); }); </script>
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
Value 4
Code Snippet
<ins-card-select id="directSetDataElMultiple" multiple> <div> <ins-card-select-option value="value_1"> <div> <strong>Option 1</strong><br/> <p>Value 1</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> <ins-card-select-option value="value_2"> <div> <strong>Option 2</strong><br/> <p>Value 2</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> <ins-card-select-option value="value_3"> <div> <strong>Option 3</strong><br/> <p>Value 3</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> <ins-card-select-option value="value_4"> <div> <strong>Option 4</strong><br/> <p>Value 4</p> </div> </ins-card-select-option> </div> </ins-card-select> <script> var dsvm = document.getElementById('directSetDataElMultiple') dsvm.addEventListener('didLoad', function(e){ dsvm.setValue(["value_1", "value_3"]); }); </script>
multiple | boolean | false | true, false | Defines if the field can select multiple values |
disabled | boolean | false | true, false | Disables the field |
readonly | boolean | false | true, false | Make the field readonly |
has-error | boolean | false | true, false | Defines if the field is invalid / error |
error-message | string | "" | any | Message shown when field has error |
label | string | "" | any | Label shown for the field |
value | string | "" | any | Defines the field value |
tooltip | string | "" | - | Displays a tooltip beside the label. Supports HTML Content |
html-description | boolean | false | true, false | Enables HTML tags in the description |
description | string | "" | any | Defines the description value |
insInput | keyboard event | Emits keyboard event on card option check |
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