Insites Docs Design system Design System Overview

Design System Overview

Last updated on September 03, 2024

The Insites Design System is a collection of reusable components, guided by clear standards used to assemble together and build any number of applications.

What is the Insites Design System?

The Insites Design System is a collection of reusable components, guided by clear standards used to assemble together and build any number of applications.

What are the benefits of a Design System?

  • Provides a single source for building User Interfaces (UI) – developers recognize the UI, even when the requirements are different for different clients.
  • Saves you time and money in the long term – by streamlining the process of initialising an website or application.
  • Increases the consistency – helps users feel comfortable using the system.
  • Decreases time spent on maintaining the code base – enables us to support the application for a lower cost than if it was not based on a design system.
  • Focuses teams on experience and implementation – more time can be spent developing a positive user and customer experience, adopting widespread implementation.

What you need to start using the Insites Design System

Log in to your Figma account and duplicate the Community file here.

Download and install Insites Font Icons here.

Download and install Open Sans font here.

Customizing Components

All of our Figma components uses a Master Component as the base for all of the variants.

Updating the the Master Component will automatically apply the changes to all variants except where overrides where already added.

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