Adding Event Discounts

Last updated on August 04, 2024.

Adding an event discount consists of the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Events from the main menu.
  2. Select Discounts.
  3. Select ADD DISCOUNT.
  4. Fill out the forms across the following tabs:

    • Discount Details
    • Event Details

    The input requirements and descriptions for each tab are discussed in a corresponding section in this article.

  5. Select ADD DISCOUNT.

Discount Details

Use this tab to input the discount details. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Discount Name Input Field Yes Name used for the discount.
Status Dropdown Field No

Options include the following:

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
  • Archived
Code Input Field No Discount code.
Auth Policy Dropdown Field No Auth policy used for the discount.
Usage Limit Numeric Field No Usage limit imposed on the discount.
Usage Count Numeric Field No Number of times the discount has been used.
Discount Type Radio Button Field No

Options include the following:

  • Fixed Amount
  • Percentage
Discount Value Numeric Field No Monetary value of the discount

Event Details

Use this tab to input the event details associated with the discount. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Applicable to all Events Toggle No Indicates if the discount applies to all events. 
Events Dropdown Multi-Select No Options include the list of all events in the Instance.
Allocations Dropdown Multi-Select No

Options include the following:

  • Individuals
  • Groups
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