Adding Event Venues

Last updated on August 07, 2024.

Adding an event venue consists of the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Events from the main menu.
  2. Select Venues.
  3. Select ADD VENUE.
  4. Fill out the forms for adding a venue across the following tabs:

    • Details
    • Contacts
    • Address
    • Areas
  5. Select ADD VENUE.


Use this tab to provide basic details about the venue you are adding. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Venue Name Input Label Yes Name of the venue.
Venue Type Dropdown Field No

Type of venue the event is being held at. Options include the following:

  • Art Gallery/Museum
  • Banquet Hall
  • Bar
  • Community Center
  • Conference Center
  • Convention Center
  • Hotel/Resort
  • Music Hall
  • Outdoor Venue
  • Restaurant
  • Stadium/Arena
  • Theatre/Auditorium
Company Dropdown Field No Company associated with the venue. Options include the list of CRM companies.


Use this tab to provide the contacts associated with the venue you are adding. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
CRM Contact Dropdown Field Yes Contact associated with the event venue. Options include the list of all CRM contacts.


Use this tab to input the venue's address. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Search Address Input Field No Field used to find an address. Note that your Instance must first be integrated with Google Maps for this feature to work.
Address 1 Input Field No Line 1 for the event venue's address.
Address 2 Input Field No Line 2 for the event venue's address.
Address 3 Input Field No Line 3 for the event venue's address.
City Input Field No The city of the event venue address.
County Input Field No The county of the event venue address.
District Input Field No The district of the event venue address.
Suburb Input Field No The suburb of the event venue address.
State Input Field No The state where the event venue address is located.
Country Input Field No The country of the event venue address.
Country Code Input Field No The country code of the event venue's address.
Postal Code Input Field No The postal code of the event venue's address.
Latitude Input Field No The latitude of the event venue's address.
Longitude Input Field No The longitude of the event venue's address.

Please take note of the following:

  • Please refer to the Integrations documentation to set up Google Maps.
  • If Google Maps is set up, you may search for addresses using the 'Search Address' field. Clicking on an address automatically fills out the rest of the form.
  • If the address is not available on Google Maps, you may manually fill out the address form.


Use this tab to input specific event venue areas you are adding. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Area Name Input Field Yes Name of the venue area.
Notes Text Area No Notes concerning the venue area.
Individual Capacity Numeric Field No Maximum number of individuals that the venue area can host.
Capacity Per Group Numeric Field No Maximum number of individuals per group.
Number Of Groups Numeric Field No Number of groups allocated for the venue area.
Total Capacity Display Field No Displays the total number of individuals that the event venue area can host.
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