Insites Docs Instance APIAPI Endpoints

API Endpoints

Last updated on August 01, 2024.

An API endpoint is a digital location (URL) where an API receives requests from another program to access and use the resources on its server. There are two types of API Endpoints on Insites:

  • System API Endpoints
  • Custom API Endpoints

This document discusses the difference between the two types. It also outlines the various aspects of managing API endpoints such as adding and previewing endpoints. In addition, it details how to edit and archive endpoints.

System API Endpoints

System API Endpoints are created automatically upon Instance creation from the Console. To view System API endpoints:

  1. Select API on the main menu.
  2. Click on API Endpoints.
  3. Choose the System tab.
  4. Find the API you want to view and click on its View row action link.

The view page displays the following information:

Display FieldDescription
TitleLabel/title of the endpoint.
URLLocation of the endpoint.
MethodThe method used by the endpoint. Usually 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', and 'DELETE'.
ModuleThe module that the API endpoint is a part of.
ContentActual code content of the API endpoint

An API System endpoint can only be viewed. It cannot be edited or deleted. There is also no way to add a system endpoint to an Instance.

Custom API Endpoints

Custom API endpoints are fully customised endpoints written to meet specific integration needs for the application on your Instance. To navigate to API Endpoints:

  1. Choose API on the main menu.
  2. Select API Endpoints.
  3. The API Endpoints are displayed in a list. You may adjust the number of rows that are displayed per page or refine the endpoints displayed in the list by using the filter. You can also find an endpoint using the search tool.

From here, you can preview, add, edit, and archive API endpoints. The next four sections discuss these functionalities in more detail.

Adding an API Endpoint

To add an API endpoint:

  1. Choose API on the main menu.
  2. Select API Endpoints.
  3. Click on the ADD API ENDPOINT button.
  4. Fill out the forms on each of the two tabs, namely:
    • Details
    • Security
    The input details and descriptions will be discussed in their respective subsections.
  5. Click SAVE.


Use this tab to input general information and details about your API Endpoint. Refer to the table below for field descriptions:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
API Endpoint NameInput FieldYesName of your API Endpoint.
API Endpoint URLInput FieldYesURL (location) of your API Endpoint.
File PathInput FieldYesLocation of the API Endpoint in your code.
Request MethodDropdown FieldNoChoose the request method that this API Endpoint will use.
Redirect ToInput FieldNoRedirect the third party program using this API endpoint to this URL in case the location has been updated or the application was relocated.
Redirect CodeDropdown FieldNo

Select a redirect code from among the following options:

  • None
  • 301 - Moved permanently.
  • 302 - Moved temporarily.
ContentWYSIWYG Code EditorYesWrite the contents or code of your API Endpoint here.


Select the security type that you want to implement for your API Endpoint on this tab. Use the toggle buttons to choose between:

  • Secure Zones
  • API Keys

Each of these security types is discussed in the next subsections.

Secure Zones

Secure zones allow certain groups in your Instance to have access to areas or features that you want to hide from the rest of the users in the Instance. For example, a group of managers can have access to information that is not available to employees in the same Instance. These groups and secure zones are created and managed via Permissions.

We have one input field when adding a secure zone to an API endpoint:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Secure ZonesDropdown FieldNoSelect a secure zone for your API endpoint. Note that if you are applying multiple secure zones to this endpoint, a user must be part of all of them to access this endpoint.
API Keys

API Keys serve as 'passwords' that allow an external system to access data in your Instance in a secure way. All of this software to software interactions happen automatically and without human intervention. For example, your Instance hosts a web application that manages hotel bookings. A guest booking a reservation through a partner agency's site can then book and pay for their stay without having to go to your web application (for booking) or the bank's application (for payment). All this is possible because all the external systems needed to perform this action (booking) are fully integrated.

The following table contains the input requirements and descriptions for the 'API Keys' security type:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
API KeysDropdown FieldNoChoose an API Key from the options. These keys are managed in API Keys.
Redirect ToInput TableNoThe path to which an unauthorised user will be directed.

Previewing an API Endpoint

To preview an API endpoint:

  1. Choose API on the main menu.
  2. Select API Endpoints.
  3. Choose the API Endpoint that you want to preview and click on its Preview row action link This opens a preview of the API Endpoint in a new tab.

Updating an API Endpoint

To update an API endpoint:

  1. Choose API on the main menu.
  2. Select API Endpoints.
  3. Choose the API Endpoint that you want to update and click on its Edit row action link.
  4. Make your changes on the available tabs and their corresponding forms.
  5. Click UPDATE.

Duplicating an API Endpoint

To duplicate an API endpoint:

  1. Choose API on the main menu.
  2. Select API Endpoints.
  3. Choose the API Endpoint that you want to duplicate and click on its Edit row action link.
  4. Click on the DUPLICATE link near the bottom of the page and select DUPLICATE on the confirmation modal.
  5. Fill out the forms in their respective tabs and click SAVE.

Archiving API Endpoints

To archive API endpoints:

  1. Choose API on the main menu.
  2. Select API Endpoints.
  3. Select the API Endpoints that you want to archive by ticking their respective checkboxes to the left of their rows. Ticking the topmost checkbox selects all the API Endpoints.
  4. Click on the Bulk Actions dropdown button and select Archive.
  5. Click ARCHIVE and select ARCHIVE on the confirmation modal. You can also archive an API Endpoint by clicking its Archive row action link and selecting ARCHIVE on the confirmation modal.

Note: You can archive an API Endpoint through its Edit row action link. After clicking on an endpoint's Edit row action link, click on the ARCHIVE link and select ARCHIVE on the confirmation modal.

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