Adding Globals

Last updated on September 29, 2024.

To add globals:

  1. Navigate to the CMS from the main menu.
  2. Select Globals.
  3. Navigate to the tab to which you want to add global data. You may choose from among the following tabs:

    • Company Details
    • Emails
    • Social Links
    • Locations
    • PO Addresses

    The input requirements and descriptions for each tab are discussed in a corresponding section in this article.

  4. Select EDIT.
  5. Fill out the form.
  6. Select SAVE.

Company Details

Provide basic company details on the form on this tab. The input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Company Name Text Field No Name of the company.
Company ID Text Field No ID of the company.
Company Slogan Text Field No The company's company slogan.
Company URL Text Field No URL used by the company.
Company Email 1 Text Field No Primary email address of the company.
Company Email 2 Text Field No Alternative email address used by the company
Business Registration Text Field No Business registration code of the company.
Company Logo Clickable Field No Image file of the company logo. Selecting the field opens an 'Upload Image' modal. Select CHANGE PICTURE to replace or add an image file. Recommended Dimensions: 600px width, File Type: JPG, JPEG or PNG.
Company Icon Clickable Field No Image file of the company icon. Selecting the field opens an 'Upload Image' modal. Select CHANGE PICTURE to replace or add an image file. Recommended Dimensions: 240px by 240px, File Type: JPG, JPEG or PNG.
Alternate Company Logo Clickable Field No Alternate image file of the company logo. Selecting the field opens an 'Upload Image' modal. Select CHANGE PICTURE to replace or add an image file. Recommended Dimensions: 600px width, File Type: JPG, JPEG or PNG.
Alternate Company Icon Clickable Field No Alternate image file of the company icon. Selecting the field opens an 'Upload Image' modal. Select CHANGE PICTURE to replace or add an image file. Recommended Dimensions: 240px by 240px, File Type: JPG, JPEG or PNG


Provide email information on the form on this tab. The input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Email Logo Clickable Field No Email logo used in the Instance. Clicking on the field opens an 'Upload Image' modal. You may also click the CHANGE PICTURE button to replace or add an image file. Recommended Dimensions: 360px width, File Type: JPG, JPEG or PNG
Alternate Email Logo Clickable Field No Alternate email logo. Clicking on the field opens an 'Upload Image' modal. You may also click the CHANGE PICTURE button to replace or add an image file. Recommended Dimensions: 360px width, File Type: JPG, JPEG or PNG

Social Links

Provide social media links on the form on this tab. The input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Facebook Text Field No Your web application's Facebook link. 
Twitter Text Field No Your web application's Twitter link.
LinkedIn Text Field No Your web application's LinkedIn link.
Instagram Text Field No Your web application's Instagram link.
Pinterest Text Field No Your web application's Pinterest link.
YouTube Text Field No Your web application's YouTube link.
Other 1 Text Field No Alternate social media link.
Other 2 Text Field No Alternate social media link.


You may store up to five locations using this tab. Each form has three sections, namely:

  • Location
  • Address
  • Opening Hours

The next few subsections discuss each of the three sections and their input requirements.


Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Location Name Text Field No Name of location.
Timezone Dropdown Field No The timezone of location.
Contact Person Text Field No Main contact person at the given location.
Email Text Field No Email address of the location. 
Phone Dropdown and Numeric Field No Phone number of location. Use the dropdown field to select a country code, then use the numeric field to input the rest of the contact details.
Fax Dropdown and Numeric Field No Fax of location. Use the dropdown field to select a country code, then use the numeric field to input the rest of the contact details.
Location Image Clickable Field No Image of location. Selecting the field opens an 'Upload Image' modal. You may also select CHANGE PICTURE to replace or add an image file. You may add JPG, JPEG, or PNG files only. Files must be less than 200KB.
NotesText AreaNoNotes about the address or location.


Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Address 1 Text Field No Line 1 of the address.
Address 2 Text Field No Line 2 of the address here.
Address 3Text FieldNoLine 3 of the address
City Text Field No The city of the address.
CountyText FieldNoThe county of the address.
DistrictText FieldNoThe district of the address.
SuburbText FieldNoThe suburb of the address.
State Text Field No The state where the address is located.
CountryText FieldNoThe country of the address.
Post Code Text Field No Postcode of the location.

Opening Hours

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Day of the Week Toggle No

Toggle the day of the week to indicate that your location is open on those days. The toggle labels are:

  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
Opening Time Dropdown Field No Choose an opening time. The time format is 24h, and time values are in 30-minute increments.
Closing Time Dropdown Field No Choose a closing time. The time format is 24h, and time values are in 30-minute increments.

Please take note of the following system behaviors:

  • You can add up to five (5) locations.
  • Succeeding locations are labeled 'Location 2', 'Location 3', all the way up to 'Location 5'.

PO Boxes

Provide post office box information on the form on this tab. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
PO Box No Text Field No PO Box number of your location.
Address Text Field No Address of your PO Box.
City Text Field No The city where your PO Box is located.
State Text Field No The state where your PO Box is located.
Post Code Text Field No Postcode of your PO Box.
Country Text Field No Country where the PO Box is located.

You can add up to two (2) PO Boxes.

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