Insites Docs Instance CMSCollectionsCreating a Collection

Creating a Collection

Last updated on September 12, 2024.

To create a collection:

  1. Navigate to the CMS from the main menu.
  2. Select Collections.
  4. Fill out the forms across the following tabs:

    • Details
    • List Layout
    • Details Layout
    • Security
    • Cache

    The details for each tab are discussed in this document's subsequent sections.



Use this tab to provide basic details for the collection. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Collection Name Input Field Yes Name of the collection.
Collection Slug Input Field Yes URL slug used for the collection.
Layout Dropdown Field Yes Layout used by the collection.
Source Dropdown Field Yes Data source used to form the collection.
Redirect Code Dropdown Field No Redirect code used by the collection.

List Layout

Use this tab to provide the list layout details of the collection. This tab contains the following sub-tabs:

  • Properties
  • Sitemap
  • Metadata
  • Open Graph
  • Schema

The details for each sub-tab are discussed in this document's subsequent sections.


Use this secondary tab to provide the properties of your list layout. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
List Layout Toggle No Use this option to enable the collection to use the list layout.
Page Title Input Field No Title of the list layout page.
Content Code Editor No Content used in the list layout.


Use this secondary tab to provide the sitemap details of your collection's list layout. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Add to System Sitemap Toggle No Use the toggle to add or hide the collection's list layout from the system sitemap.
Priority Numeric Field No The URL priority of this collection's list layout relative to other URLs on the site. Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0. URLs are sorted in descending order.
Order Numeric Field No The URL order of this collection's list layout relative to other URLs having the same priority value. Similar priority URLs are sorted in ascending order.
Change Frequency Dropdown Field No

An indication provided to search engines about how often this collection's list layout will likely change or be updated. Options include the following:

  • Always
  • Hourly
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Yearly

Note that crawlers treat the values chosen as a 'hint,' not a 'command.' For example, crawlers may crawl pages marked 'hourly' less frequently than that.


Use this secondary tab to provide your collection's list layout metadata. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Make page visible to Search Engines Toggle No Hide or show the collection's list layout on search results.
Canonical URL Input Field No The canonical URL of the collection's list layout, used to prevent duplicate content issues in SEO.
Meta Title Input Field No Title of metadata. A good title has between 40 - 60 characters.
Meta Description Text Area No Description of the metadata. A good meta description has between 150 - 160 characters.

Open Graph

Use this secondary tab to provide the Open Graph details of your collection's list layout. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Use Meta Title as Open Graph Title Toggle No Enable this option to use the meta title as the Open Graph title. Otherwise, turn the option off if you want to use a different title.
Open Graph Title Input Field No Customized title for a post containing the collection on a social media platform. The field can only be used if the 'Use Meta Title as Open Graph Title' option is turned off.
Use Meta Description as Open Graph Description Toggle No Enable this option to use your site's meta description as the Open Graph description. This tag is considered the most important tag of the post containing your collection. It typically appears as a one—or two-sentence snippet that previews the collection.
Open Graph Description Text Area No A customized description for the post containing your collection on a social media platform. The field can only be used if the 'Use Meta Description as Open Graph Description' option is turned off. Write this carefully; a good description can mean the difference between getting clicks or not.
Open Graph Image Text Area No The image on the preview of your collection's content. The maximum file size is 10MB.
Open Graph URL Input Field No URL (link) that is associated with your content.
Open Graph Site Name Input Field No The name of your site.
Open Graph Type Input Field No Type of content your collection is posted on, i.e., website, article, or blog.


Use this secondary tab to provide the Schema details of your collection's list layout. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Schema Code Editor No Schema markup for the collection.

Details Layout

Use this tab to input the details layout information of the collection. This tab contains the following sub-tabs:

  • Properties
  • Sitemap
  • Metadata
  • Open Graph
  • Schema

We're only discussing the form in the 'Properties' tab, as the secondary tab forms in the details and list layouts are identical.


Use this tab to input the properties of the details layout. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Details Layout Toggle No Use this option to enable the collection to use the details layout.
Details Page Slug Input Field No URL slug used for the collection's details page. This field must include at least one unique database field without a dash ( - ) in its name. A dash should separate multiple fields.
Page Title Input Field No Title of the collection's details layout page.
Content Code Editor No Content used in the collection's details layout.


Use this tab to input the security details for the collection. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Apply Auth Policy Toggle No Use this toggle to enable or disable the use of auth policies for the collection.
Auth Policies Dropdown Field (Multi-Select) No The auth policies applied to the collection. Note that you may apply more than one auth policy.


Use this tab to provide the collection's cache information. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Enable Dynamic Cache Layout Toggle No Use the toggle to enable or disable the dynamic cache layout for the collection.
Dynamic Cache Expiry Input Field No

Defines the number of seconds after cache creation before it is ignored on future requests.

If is set to '0' and a key is set, the cache will never expire automatically (though updating the file will invalidate it).

If both the key and are set to '0', the collection won't be cached.

Any collection update via or will invalidate the cache, regardless of the expiration time.

Dynamic Cache Key Code Editor No

Unique identifier for the collection.

If the key is blank, caching applies to the entire URL for the set duration (e.g., 10 seconds). Any URL change will bypass the cache.

If content doesn't depend on arguments, it's best to use or relevant context parameters.

Default key: full URL with query parameters (e.g., ).

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