Insites Docs Instance TasksCreating Tasks

Creating Tasks

Last updated on August 04, 2024.

This document details how tasks are added to a company or contact in the CRM. It includes the following topics:

  • Creating tasks assigned to a company
  • Creating tasks assigned to a contact

Note: Tasks can only be created for a contact or a company.

Creating tasks assigned to a company

To create a task for a company:

  1. Navigate to the CRM from the main menu.
  2. Select Companies.
  3. Find the company to which you want to assign a task and select its View action link.
  4. Navigate to the Tasks tab.
  5. Select ADD TASK.
  6. Fill out the form.
  7. Select ADD TASK.

These are the input requirements and descriptions for adding a task to a company:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Task Name Text Field Yes Name of the task.
Description Text Area No Description of the task.
Assignee Dropdown Field Yes Team member assigned to resolve the task. The list is populated by the Administrators of the instance.
Status Dropdown Field No Status of the task. Choose from:
  • Open
  • Completed
Due Date Calendar Yes Due date of the task.

Creating tasks assigned to a contact

To create a task for a contact:

  1. Navigate to the CRM from the main menu.
  2. Select Contacts.
  3. Find the contact to whom you want to assign a task and select its View action link.
  4. Navigate to the Tasks tab.
  5. Select ADD TASK.
  6. Fill out the form.
  7. Select ADD TASK.

These are the input requirements and descriptions for adding a task to a contact:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Task Name Text Field Yes Name of the task.
Description Text Area No Description of the task.
Assignee Dropdown Field Yes Team member assigned to resolve this task. The list is populated by the Administrators of the instance.
Status Dropdown Field Yes Status of the task. Choose from:
  • Open
  • Completed
Due Date Calendar Yes Due date of the task.
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