Related Data

Last updated on August 01, 2024.

The Related Data feature allows you to view and manage the data items (form submissions) created by a contact. This capability enables administrators to build a comprehensive contact profile, leading to enhanced customer service and improved customer experience.

Access to related data also helps administrators gather and analyze information about contacts' preferences and shopping behaviors, facilitating more personalized marketing and communication strategies.

For example, administrators of an e-commerce store can use a contact's form submissions to determine their item interests. They can then send personalized emails and promotions to increase the likelihood of a conversion.This article includes the following sections:

  • Viewing related data
  • Updating related data

Viewing related data

To view a contact's related data:

  1. Navigate to the CRM from the main menu.
  2. Select Contacts.
  3. Find the contact whose related data you want to view and select its View row action link.
  4. Navigate to the contact's 'Related Data' tab.
  5. Find the related data you want to view and select its View row action link.

Updating related data

To update a contact's related data:

  1. Navigate to the CRM from the main menu.
  2. Select Contacts.
  3. Find the contact whose related data you want to update and select its View row action link.
  4. Navigate to the contact's 'Related Data' tab.
  5. Find the related data you want to edit and select its Edit row action link.
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