Insites Docs Instance CRMCRM Custom Fields

CRM Custom Fields

Last updated on November 26, 2024.

Custom fields in the CRM allow you to create bespoke data models for companies and contacts. This functionality empowers you to develop customized features for your application by enabling you to store data that is not accommodated by the system's default settings.

This document guides you through the following topics:

  • Creating a custom field
  • Field type and UI element glossary
  • Viewing custom fields
  • Updating a custom field
  • Using custom fields
  • Deleting a custom field

Creating a custom field

To create a custom field:

  1. Navigate to the CRM from the main menu.
  2. Select Custom Fields.
  3. Navigate to either of the tabs:

    • Companies
    • Contacts

    Each tab corresponds to the CRM entity (contact or company) you can add a custom field to.

  6. Fill out the fields on the form. Input descriptions and requirements are displayed in a table after this step-by-step guide.
  7. Select SAVE FIELD.
  8. Select SAVE when you are done adding custom fields.

The table below displays the input requirements and descriptions for creating a custom field:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Field Name Text Field Yes Name or label for the field. Insites cleans this field label automatically to follow internal database standards. For example, 'Sample Field' will become 'sample_field' in the database.
Column Name Display Field No The field name used internally by Insites.
Field Type Dropdown Field Yes The field type used by the custom field. See the next section, 'Field Type and UI Element Glossary' for details.
UI Element Dropdown Field Yes The UI element used by the custom field. The range of inputs depends on the field type you have chosen. See the next section, 'Field Type and UI Element Glossary' for details.

Field type and UI element glossary

How to read this table:

Choosing a field type (column 1) gives you an array of available UI element options (column 2). Some UI elements (marked out with an asterisk) provide additional options (column 3). The input choices in column 3 are then outlined in column 4.

The field type, its associated UI element(s), and subsequent UI actions are outlined in the table below:

Field TypeUI ElementUI Element Fields (Options)Additional Option(s)Notes
  • Card select (Multiple)*
  • Checkbox*
  • File (Multiple)
  • Input (Multiple)
  • Select (Multiple)*
  • Card select (Multiple): Options
  • Checkbox: Options
  • Select (Multiple): Options
- Selecting 'Card select (Multiple),' 'Checkbox,' or 'Select (Multiple)' displays additional fields outlined in the 3rd column. These fields enable you to provide users with a checkbox or list of options.
Boolean Toggle - - Display a toggle.
Date Date Enables users to input a date.
DateTime Date and Time - - Allow users to input the date and time.
Data Source Select* Data Source (lists databases you can connect to) Display Field (available fields from the database in column 3)

The 'Data Source' field allows you to select a separate database containing ONE value you want to display, a.k.a foreign key pairing.

For example, a user can choose one value, such as 'Large', from one field called 'Sizes' when filling out this field.

Data Source (Multiple) Select (Multiple)* Data Source (lists databases you can connect to) Display Field (available fields from the database in column 3)

The 'Data Source (Multiple)' field allows you to select a separate database containing MULTIPLE values you want to display, a.k.a foreign key pairing.

For example, a user can choose multiple values such as 'Large,' 'Medium,' and 'Small' from one field called 'Sizes' when filling out this field.

GeoJSON Code - - This field enables users to input GeoJSON for maps.
Float Decimal - - Allows users to input decimal values.
Integer Number - - Allows users to provide an integer input.
  • Media - Image
  • Media - File
- - Enables users to upload media such as files or images.
  • Card select
  • Code
  • Color
  • HTML
  • Input
  • Link
  • Markdown
  • Multi-line
  • Phone
  • Radio*
  • Select*
  • Card select: Options
  • Select: Options
  • Radio: Options

The values 'Card select,' 'Select,' and 'Radio' in column 2 display an additional field labeled 'Options.'

This field can present users with a dropdown list or a radio group of input options.

Time Time - - Allows users to provide a time input.

Viewing custom fields

To view the custom fields in the CRM:

  1. Navigate to the CRM from the main menu.
  2. Select Custom Fields.
  3. Navigate to either of the tabs to view existing custom fields:

    • Companies
    • Contacts

Updating a custom field

To edit a custom field:

  1. Navigate to the CRM from the main menu.
  2. Select Custom Fields.
  3. Navigate to either of the tabs:

    • Companies
    • Contacts
  5. Make your changes.
  6. Select SAVE FIELD.
  7. Select SAVE.

Please take note of the following:

  • You can change the Field Name as it appears on the UI. However, the column name Insites uses in the database stays unchanged to preserve data integrity.
  • The Field Type cannot be changed.

Deleting a custom field

To delete a custom field:

  1. Navigate to the CRM from the main menu.
  2. Select Custom Fields.
  3. Navigate to either of the tabs:

    • Companies
    • Contacts
  5. Select the custom field you want to delete, then select DELETE FIELD.
  6. Select SAVE.
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