Adding a Category

Last updated on December 11, 2024.

To add a category to the locator:

  1. Navigate to the Locator from the main menu.
  2. Select Categories.
  3. Select ADD CATEGORY and fill out the forms on the following tabs:
    • Details
    • Content
    • Sitemap
    • Metadata
    • Open Graph
    • Schema
    The input requirements in each tab are discussed in its corresponding section in this article.
  4. Select ADD CATEGORY.


Provide general details about your category on this tab. The available inputs are listed below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Enable Category Toggle No Toggle to enable or disable the category upon creation.
Category Name Text Field Yes Name of the locator category.
Slug Text Field No Unique Uniform Resource Locator (URL) slug for your category.


Use this tab to add content for your locator category.

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Short Description Text Area No Short description of your locator category content.
Long Description Text Area No Long description of your locator category content.
Category Image Upload File Field No Image for your locator category content.


Provide details for the automatically generated sitemap on this tab. Input requirements and descriptions are outlined in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Add To System Site Map Toggle No Toggle to include or exclude this location page from the system-generated XML sitemap.
Priority Numeric Field No The priority of this URL relative to other URLs on the site. Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0. URLs are sorted in descending order.
Order Numeric Field No The order of the URL relative to other URLs if they have the same priority value. URLs with the same priority values are sorted in ascending order.
Change Frequency Dropdown Field No Sets how often search engine bots crawl the page to check for updates. Some values are:
  • Always
  • Daily
  • Monthly
  • Never
Crawlers treat the values chosen as a 'hint,' not a 'command.' For example, crawlers may crawl pages marked 'hourly' less frequently than that.


Provide your category's metadata on this tab. Input requirements and descriptions are detailed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Make page visible to Search Engines Toggle No Makes the page visible or hides it from search engines.
Canonical URL Text Field No A canonical URL used to prevent duplicate content issues in SEO.
Meta Title Text Field No Meta title of the page. A good title has between 40 - 60 characters.
Meta Description Text Field No Meta description of the page. A good meta description has between 150 - 160 characters.

You can then copy the snippet at the bottom of the page to add the metadata to your category.

Open Graph

Open Graph is an internet protocol that standardizes metadata usage within a webpage, allowing you to optimize content to stand out relative to other internet content in places such as social networks. Configure Open Graph on this tab. Input requirements and descriptions are displayed in the table below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Use Meta Title as Open Graph Title Toggle No Toggle to use the meta title (set in the 'Metadata' tab) as the Open Graph title or provide a different title.
Open Graph Title Text Field No Open Graph title of the category. The field is only editable if 'Use Meta Title As Open Graph Title' is disabled.
Use Meta Description as Open Graph Description Toggle No Toggle to use the meta description (set in the 'Metadata' tab) as the Open Graph description or use a different description.
Open Graph Description Text Field NoOpen Graph description of the category. The field is editable if 'Use Meta Description As Open Graph Description' is disabled. This 1 - 2 sentence snippet shows up in the post and can mean the difference between getting clicks or not.
Open Graph Image Image Picker No An image for the preview of your content. The maximum file size is 10MB.
Open Graph URL Text Field No URL (link) associated with your content.
Open Graph Site Name Text Field No Name for your site.
Open Graph Type Text Field No Type of content, i.e., website, article, and blog.

After filling out the fields, copy the snippet on the bottom of the form to add Open Graph to your category.


Schema markup is a structured data vocabulary that helps search engines understand your web application more deeply, enabling them to serve better results to end-users. Use the code editor field on this tab to write the schema markup for your product.

To build the schema markup, use the variables displayed on the 'Toolbox' pane. After filling out the editor, copy and paste the snippet displayed at the bottom of the form to add Schema to your category.

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