Insites Docs Instance LocatorEnquiriesImporting and Exporting Enquiries

Importing and Exporting Enquiries

Last updated on January 09, 2025.

Insites enables you to import enquiries into the locator and export them to an external system. Topics in this article include the following:

  • Importing enquiries
  • Exporting enquiries

Importing enquiries

Importing enquiries is currently the only other way (aside from user-generated form inputs) to add enquiries into the locator. To import enquiries:

  1. Navigate to the Locator from the main menu.
  2. Select Enquiries.
  3. Select the overflow menu (), then select Import Enquiries.
  4. Select the CSV Template link on the 'Import Enquiries' drawer to download the CSV template.
  5. Use the CSV template as a guide for creating an import file that matches the input requirements in Insites.
  6. When your CSV file is ready, return to the 'Import Locations' drawer by executing steps #1 - #3.
  7. Drag and drop your file, or use the clickable area on the drawer to upload your CSV file.

The following table displays the input requirements and descriptions for importing enquiries into the locator:

Column LabelTypeRequiredDescription
UUID String Yes Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the enquiry.
Location UUID String Yes Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the location associated with the enquiry.
Location Name String No Name of the enquiry.
First Name String No First name of the user who sent the enquiry.
Last Name String No Last name of the user who sent the enquiry.
Email String No Email address of the user who sent the enquiry.
Phone Number String No Phone number of the user who sent the enquiry.
Phone Country Code String No Country code of the user's phone number who sent the enquiry.
Message String No Content of the enquiry.
Status String No Status of the enquiry.
Assigned To Administrator UUID String No Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the administrator to whom the enquiry is assigned.
Assigned To Administrator Name String No Name of the administrator to whom the enquiry is assigned.

Exporting enquiries

To export enquiries:

  1. Navigate to the Locator from the main menu.
  2. Select Enquiries.
  3. Select the overflow menu (), then select Export Enquiries.
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