Managing Event Venues

Last updated on August 09, 2024.

This document guides you through various aspects of managing event venues such as creating, updating, and deleting contacts, addresses, and venue areas, among other topics.

The document is divided into the following sections:

  • Updating venue details
  • Managing venue contacts
  • Managing the event venue address
  • Managing event venue areas

Updating venue details

To update venue details:

  1. Navigate to Events from the main menu.
  2. Select Venues.
  3. Find the venue you want to update and select its Edit row action link.
  4. Select EDIT.
  5. Make your changes.
  6. Select SAVE.

Managing venue contacts

This tab enables you to manage your event venue contacts. The following topics are discussed:

  • Viewing venue contacts
  • Viewing a venue contact's details
  • Assigning a contact to a venue
  • Removing a contact from a venue

Viewing venue contacts

To view the venue contacts:

  1. Navigate to Events from the main menu.
  2. Select Venues.
  3. Find the venue whose contacts you want to view and select its Edit row action link.
  4. Navigate to the 'Contacts' tab.

Viewing a venue contact's details

To view a particular venue contact's details:

  1. Navigate to Events from the main menu.
  2. Select Venues.
  3. Find the venue containing the particular contact you want to view and select its Edit row action link.
  4. Navigate to the 'Contacts' tab.
  5. Find the contact whose details you want to view and select its overflow menu ().
  6. Select View Contact Details.

Assigning a contact to a venue

To assign a contact to a venue:

  1. Navigate to Events from the main menu.
  2. Select Venues.
  3. Find the venue to which you want to assign a contact and select its Edit row action link.
  4. Navigate to the 'Contacts' tab.
  6. Fill out the form for assigning a contact to the event venue.

These are the input requirements and descriptions for assigning a contact to a venue:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
CRM Contact Multi-Item Dropdown Field Yes CRM Contact(s) assigned to the venue. 

Removing a contact from a venue

To remove a contact from a venue:

  1. Navigate to Events from the main menu.
  2. Select Venues.
  3. Find the venue from which you want to remove a contact and select its Edit row action link.
  4. Navigate to the 'Contacts' tab.
  5. Find the contact you want to remove and select its overflow menu ().
  6. Select Remove Contact.
  7. Finalize the removal of the contact from the venue using the confirmation modal.

Managing the event venue address

The following topics are discussed for managing the venue address:

  • Updating the venue address
  • Deleting the venue address

Updating the venue address

To update the venue address:

  1. Navigate to Events from the main menu.
  2. Select Venues.
  3. Find the venue whose address you want to update and select its Edit row action link.
  4. Navigate to the 'Address' tab.
  5. Select EDIT.
  6. Make your changes.
  7. Select SAVE.

Deleting the venue address

To delete the venue address:

  1. Navigate to Events from the main menu.
  2. Select Venues.
  3. Find the venue whose address you want to delete and select its Edit row action link.
  4. Navigate to the 'Address' tab.
  5. Select DELETE.
  6. Finalize the deletion of the address using the confirmation modal.

Managing event venue areas

The following topics are discussed for managing event venue areas:

  • Adding an event venue area
  • Updating an event venue area
  • Deleting an event venue area

Adding an event venue area

To add an event venue area:

  1. Navigate to Events from the main menu.
  2. Select Venues.
  3. Find the venue to which you want to add a venue area and select its Edit row action link.
  4. Navigate to the 'Areas' tab.
  5. Select ADD AREA.
  6. Fill out the form for adding a venue area to the event venue.
  7. Select ADD AREA.

These are the input requirements and descriptions for adding an event venue area:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Area Name Input Field Yes Name of the venue area.
Notes Text Area No Notes concerning the venue area.
Individual Capacity Numeric Field No Maximum number of individuals that the venue area can host.
Capacity Per Group Numeric Field No Maximum number of individuals per group.
Number Of Groups Numeric Field No Number of groups allocated for the venue area.
Total Capacity Display Field No Displays the total number of individuals that the event venue area can host.

Updating an event venue area

To update an event venue area:

  1. Navigate to Events from the main menu.
  2. Select Venues.
  3. Find the venue whose venue area you want to update and select its Edit row action link.
  4. Navigate to the 'Areas' tab.
  5. Find and select the venue area you want to update.
  6. Make your changes.
  7. Select SAVE.

Deleting an event venue area

To delete an event venue area:

  1. Navigate to Events from the main menu.
  2. Select Venues.
  3. Find the venue whose venue area you want to delete and select its Edit row action link.
  4. Navigate to the 'Areas' tab.
  5. Find and select the venue area you want to delete.
  6. Select DELETE.
  7. Finalize the deletion of the venue area using the confirmation modal.
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