Pipeline Reports

Last updated on October 24, 2024.

pipeline reports article

The Pipeline Reports feature enables you to swiftly access a visual representation of the data in your pipelines. To view pipeline reports:

  1. Navigate to Pipelines from the main menu.
  2. Select Reports.
  3. Navigate to the tab corresponding to the report you want to view. The following tabs are available:

    • Sales
    • All Opportunities
    • Open Opportunities
    • Won Opportunities
    • Lost Opportunities
    • Withdrawn Opportunities

    The details for each tab are discussed in a subsequent section in this document.


You may filter the pipeline reports according to:

  • Pipeline
  • Date Range


This tab tracks the following data:

  • Value of open opportunities per stage.
  • Value of opportunities won against a target.

All Opportunities

This tab tracks the following data:

  • Value and number of opportunities per division
  • Value and number of referred opportunities per referrer
  • Value of opportunities per month
  • Value of opportunities by owner

Data across all statuses (Open, Won, Closed, and Withdrawn) is displayed.

Open Opportunities

This tab tracks the following data:

  • Value and number of open opportunities per division
  • Value and number of open referred opportunities per referrer
  • Value of open opportunities per month
  • Value of open opportunities by owner

Managers can leverage the data presented on this tab to devise strategies to accelerate the closure of sales opportunities.

Won Opportunities

This tab tracks the following data:

  • Value and number of won opportunities per division
  • Value and number of won referred opportunities per referrer
  • Value of won opportunities per month
  • Value of won opportunities by owner

Managers can use the data presented on this tab to identify top performers, recognize achievements, and bestow rewards. The data can also be used for benchmarking, identifying effective sales strategies, optimizing targeting, and refining the sales process.

Lost Opportunities

This tab tracks the following data:

  • Value and number of lost opportunities per division
  • Value and number of lost referred opportunities per referrer
  • Value of lost opportunities per month
  • Value of lost opportunities by owner

Managers can use the data presented on this tab to discern areas for improvement and sharpen personnel skills. They may also use the data to improve lead qualification and sales strategies and potentially adjust targeting and segmentation.

Withdrawn Opportunities

This tab tracks the following data:

  • Value and number of withdrawn opportunities per division
  • Value and number of withdrawn referred opportunities per referrer
  • Value of withdrawn opportunities per month
  • Value of withdrawn opportunities by owner

Managers can utilize the data displayed on this tab to review strategies, refocus resources, and identify market patterns, among other actions.

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