Element: <ins-image-picker>
Defines an image input field and preview. Field supports `image/jpeg` and `image/png` type files.
Code Snippet
<ins-image-picker img-type="Image" button-color="green" placeholder="Drag image here" upload-img-container="rectangle" upload-img-rec-width="100" upload-img-rec-height="100" upload-img-rec-file-size="10" upload-img-rec-file-size-type="MB" upload-img-file-formats="JPG or PNG" error-message="Please choose a valid image file." tooltip="This is a sample tooltip content. It also support html content."> </ins-image-picker>
Code Snippet
Code Snippet
<ins-image-picker id="directSetImage"> </ins-image-picker> <script> var image = 'https://uploads.prod01.sydney.platformos.com/instances/630/property_uploads/modules/insites_assets/assets_upload/asset/dc48131b-09d7-451a-82b2-c624a970d5df/logo-3@2x.png?updated=1721870946'; var fileName = 'Sample Logo'; var imageField = document.getElementById('directSetImage'); imageField.addEventListener('didLoad', function(e){ imageField.imgType = "Icon"; imageField.buttonColor = "green"; imageField.uploadImgContainer = "square"; imageField.value = image; imageField.fileName = fileName; }); </script>
Code Snippet
<ins-image-picker id="eventImageField"> </ins-image-picker> <script> let field = document.getElementById('eventImageField'); field.addEventListener('insValueChange', event => { console.log("filename", event.detail.filename); console.log("base64", event.detail.base64); alert("check console logs for file data"); }); </script>
img-type | string | "picture" | any | Defines the button label text as "Add/Change" + img-type value |
button-color | string | "blue" | any | Defines outline color of button |
placeholder | string | "Drag and drop the file or add an image" | any | Defines the field placeholder |
not-image-file | boolean | false | true, false | Attribute to display error on the modal input field if file being attached is not an image |
upload-img-container | string | "" | square, rectangle | Make the image picker to be rectangular |
upload-img-rec-width | number | 120 | integer | Define the text for recommended image width in px |
upload-img-rec-height | number | 120 | integer | Define the text for recommended image height in px |
upload-img-rec-file-size | number | 25 | integer | Define the text for recommended file size |
upload-img-rec-file-size-type | string | KB | KB or MB | Define the text for recommended file size type |
value | any | "" | any | Defines the field image value |
upload-img-file-formats | string | "JPG, JPEG, PNG or SVG" | JPG, JPEG, PNG or SVG | Defines the accepted image format |
error-message | string | "Invalid image file." | any | Defines the error message. |
file-name | any | "" | any | Defines the file name value |
tooltip | string | "" | - | Displays a tooltip beside the label. Supports HTML Content |
insValueChange | base64, filename | Emits image base64 and filename on field value change |
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