Element: <ins-modal>
Defines a dynamic modal for use in the page.
Code Snippet
<ins-button label="OPEN MODAL" solid id="myButton"> </ins-button> <ins-modal id="myModal" with-backdrop light heading="Terms and Conditions" confirmation value="DATA" width="400px" height="400px" close-button-label="CLOSE" close-button-icon="icon-close-1" close-button-color="secondary" confirm-button-label="ACCEPT" confirm-button-icon="icon-check1" confirm-button-color="positive" prevent-click-outside> <div id="myModalContent">Phasellus blandit leo ut odio. Sed cursus turpis vitae tortor. Cras dapibus.</div> </ins-modal> <script> var myModal = document.getElementById('myModal'); var myButton = document.getElementById('myButton'); myButton.addEventListener('insClick', () => { myModal.open(); }); </script>
Code Snippet
<ins-button label="OPEN MODAL FORM" solid id="modalFormBtn"> </ins-button> <ins-modal id="modalForm" with-backdrop no-button parent-render="parentModal" heading="Modal Form Example" width="420px" height="390px"> <form> <ins-input label="First Name"> </ins-input> <ins-input label="Last Name"> </ins-input> <ins-input label="Email"> </ins-input> <div class="text-right"> <ins-button label="Submit" solid> </ins-button> </div> </form> </ins-modal> <script> var modalFormBtn = document.getElementById('modalFormBtn'); var modalForm = document.getElementById('modalForm'); modalFormBtn.addEventListener('insClick', () => { modalForm.open(); }); </script>
with-backdrop | boolean | false | true, false | Renders the modal with a backdrop (dark) |
light | boolean | false | true, false | Renders the modal backdrop as white |
heading | string | - | - | Defines the heading of the modal |
confirmation | boolean | false | true, false | Renders the modal as a confirmation popup |
value | any | - | - | Defines the value of the modal which will be return to the event |
width | string | 100% | CSS valid units | Defines the width of the modal |
height | string | auto | CSS valid units | Defines the height of the modal |
close-button-label | string | CANCEL | - | Defines the label of the modal's close button |
close-button-color | string | blue | Insites Colors | Defines the color of the modal's close button |
close-button-icon | string | blue | Insites Font Icons | Defines the icon of the modal's close button |
confirm-button-label | string | CANCEL | - | Defines the label of the modal's confirm button |
confirm-button-color | string | blue | Insites Colors | Defines the color of the modal's confirm button |
confirm-button-icon | string | blue | Insites Font Icons | Defines the icon of the modal's confirm button |
button-alignment | string | center | left, right, center | Defines the alignment of the close and confirm buttons |
prevent-click-outside | boolean | false | true, false | Defines if the modal can be close when clicking outside of it. |
parent-render | string | "" | - | Defines the id of the parent modal for use when inside an iframe page |
no-button | boolean | false | true, false | Defines if the modal should have buttons or not |
insClose | click event | Emits an event when the modal is closed, cancelled or confirmed. Event detail includes the value and the type of action done. |
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