Element: <ins-input-select>
Renders Container for drop-down list.
Code Snippet
<ins-input-select label="Operating System" tooltip="This is a sample tooltip content. It also support html content."></ins-input-select>
Code Snippet
<ins-input-select id="insInputSelectEl" label-key="name" value-key="id"> <ins-input-select-option label="Static 2" value="Static 2"> </ins-input-select-option> <ins-input-select-option label="Static 1" value="Static 2"> </ins-input-select-option> </ins-input-select> <script> const insInputSelectEl = document.getElementById('insInputSelectEl'); insInputSelectEl.optionsData = [ { name: "John Doe", id: 1 }, { name: "Jane Doe", id: 2 }, { name: "James Smith", id: 3 }, { name: "Julia Smith", id: 4 }, ] </script>
Code Snippet
Code Snippet
<ins-input-select label="Description Example" html-description description="This is a <strong>Description</strong> <i>Example</i>"> </ins-input-select>
Code Snippet
<ins-input-select label="Select*" has-error error-message="This is a required field"> </ins-input-select>
Code Snippet
<ins-input-select id="dsv"> </ins-input-select> <script> var dsv = document.getElementById('dsv') dsv.addEventListener('didLoad', function(e){ dsv.label = 'Direct Set Value'; }); </script>
Code Snippet
<ins-input-select label="Select" searchable> </ins-input-select>
Code Snippet
<ins-input-select placeholder="Value Change"> </ins-input-select>
Code Snippet
<ins-input-select disabled></ins-input-select>
Code Snippet
<ins-input-select readonly></ins-input-select>
Code Snippet
<ins-button-select label="Sample" placeholder=" Select "> <ins-button-select-option label="macOS" value="macOS"> </ins-button-select-option> <ins-button-select-option label="Windows" value="Windows"> </ins-button-select-option> </ins-button-select>
Code Snippet
<ins-button-select small label="Operating System" placeholder=" Select "> <ins-button-select-option label="macOS" value="macOS"> </ins-button-select-option> <ins-button-select-option label="Windows" value="Windows"> </ins-button-select-option> </ins-button-select>
Code Snippet
<ins-input-select label="With Dynamic Option" dynamic-option id="dynamicSelectEl"> <div id="dynamicOptionsWrap"> <ins-input-select-option label="macOS" value="macOS"> </ins-input-select-option> <ins-input-select-option label="Windows" value="Windows"> </ins-input-select-option> <ins-input-select-option label="Linux" value="Linux"> </ins-input-select-option> </div> </ins-input-select> <script> let dynamicSelectEl = document.getElementById('dynamicSelectEl'); let dynamicOptionsWrap = document.getElementById('dynamicOptionsWrap'); let addSelectOption = value => { let insSelectOpion = document.createElement('ins-input-select-option'); insSelectOpion.setAttribute('label', value); insSelectOpion.setAttribute('value', value); dynamicOptionsWrap.appendChild(insSelectOpion); dynamicSelectEl.dynamicCloseOptions(); } dynamicSelectEl.addEventListener('insDynamicSubmit', e => { if (!e.detail){ dynamicSelectEl.dynamicHasError = true; dynamicSelectEl.dynamicErrorMessage = "Please enter a value."; } else addSelectOption(e.detail); }); </script>
Code Snippet
<ins-input-select label="Lookup Options" lookup id="lookupSelectEl"> <div id="lookupOptionsWrap"> </div> </ins-input-select> <script type="text/javascript"> var lookupSelectEl = document.getElementById('lookupSelectEl'); var lookupOptionsWrap = document.getElementById('lookupOptionsWrap'); var lookupOptions = []; var optionsCount = 0; for (counter = 0; counter < 300; counter++) { lookupOptions.push("Option " + (counter + 1)); } var addLookupSelectOption = function(value) { var insSelectOption = document.createElement('ins-input-select-option'); insSelectOption.setAttribute('label', value); insSelectOption.setAttribute('value', value); lookupOptionsWrap.appendChild(insSelectOption); } var lookupSelectLoading = function() { lookupSelectEl.lookupLoading = true; setTimeout(function() { lookupSelectEl.lookupLoading = false; lookupSelectEl.setLoadingState(false); }, 3000); }; for (counter = 0; counter < 50; counter++) { addLookupSelectOption(lookupOptions[optionsCount]); optionsCount++; } lookupSelectEl.lookupScrolling = true; lookupSelectEl.addEventListener("insLoadMore", function() { setTimeout(function() { if (optionsCount < lookupOptions.length - 1) { for (counter = 0; counter < 50; counter++) { addLookupSelectOption(lookupOptions[optionsCount]); optionsCount++; } } lookupSelectEl.setLoadingState(false); }, 1000); if (optionsCount === lookupOptions.length) lookupSelectEl.setLoadingState(false); }); lookupSelectLoading(); </script>
Code Snippet
<ins-input-select label="insSearch Options" lookup searchable id="insSearchEl"> <div id="insSearchWrap"> </div> </ins-input-select> <!-- This code just automatically adds an option based on your search input. It will still depend on how you want to handle the search results in your API. --> <script type="text/javascript"> var insSearchEl = document.getElementById('insSearchEl'); var insSearchWrap = document.getElementById('insSearchWrap'); var addInsSearchOption = function(value) { var insSelectOption = document.createElement('ins-input-select-option'); insSelectOption.setAttribute('label', value); insSelectOption.setAttribute('value', value); insSearchWrap.innerHTML = ""; insSearchWrap.appendChild(insSelectOption); insSearchEl.getElementsByClassName('no-more-options')[0]?.remove(); setTimeout(function() { insSearchEl.setSearchingState(false); insSearchEl.setLoadingState(false); }, 750); } insSearchEl.addEventListener("insSearch", function(event) { addInsSearchOption(event.detail); }); </script>
label | string | any | Defines label of dropdown | |
placeholder | string | - | any | Defines the short hint that describes the expected value in the input field |
disabled | boolean | false | true, false | Disables dropdown field |
readonly | boolean | false | true, false | Specifies that the dropdown field is read-only |
searchable | boolean | false | true, false | Enables drop-down to have searchable feature |
searchable-placeholder | string | "Type here to search for options" | any | Defines the short hint that describes the expected value in the search field |
multiple | boolean | false | true, false | Enables multiple selection |
value | any | any | Defines value of dropdown list | |
has-error | boolean | false | true, false | Specifies validation or mandatory input for the input field |
drop-up | boolean | false | true, false | Show options on top when field is near bottom of the screen |
dynamic-option | boolean | false | true, false | Creates input field on the dropdown option |
dynamic-placeholder | string | - | any | Defines if the dynamic option input field placeholder |
dynamic-button-label | string | "Add" | any | Defines if the dynamic option input button label |
dynamic-has-error | boolean | false | true, false | Defines if the dynamic option input field has an error |
dynamic-error-message | string | - | any | Defines if the error message displayed below the dynamic option input. |
error-message | string | - | any | Defines the error message when input element is wrong |
lookup | boolean | false | true, false | Define if the select will enable lookup functionalities |
lookup-loading | boolean | false | true, false | Define if the select will render as initializing |
lookup-scrolling | boolean | false | true, false | Define if the select will enable infinite scrolling |
tooltip | string | - | any | Displays a tooltip beside the label. Supports HTML Content |
html-description | boolean | false | true, false | Enables HTML tags in the description |
description | string | "" | any | Defines the description value |
insChange | value | Emits the value of the selected option |
insOptionSelect | { event_type, selected, selectedOptions } | Emits the event type (add,remove), selected values and a list of the selected option's label and value |
insDynamicSubmit | value | Emits the value of the dynamic option input triggered by the "ADD" button |
insSearch | keyword | Emits the search keyword. This event is only triggered when dynamic-search is true. |
insLoadMore | - | Emits when scroll hits the last option. This event is only triggered when infinite-scroll is true. |
setValue | How to change the value using setValue: document.getElementById('elementID').setValue(value); |
Sets the currently selected option of the component to the option with the matching value attribute. |
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