Insites Docs Web Components V2Data DisplayTable


Last updated on August 02, 2024.

Element: <ins-table>

Defines a table.


Static Table

Using the attribute static-table, you can manually construct your table rows and columns and apply your own HTML layout & styling
To do this, you can nest these sub-components:

Insites Base Table Row <ins-table-row>

Defines a table <tr> element

Insites Base Table Header <ins-table-th>

Defines a table <tr> element

Insites Base Table Data / Column <ins-table-td>

Defines a table <td> element

Sample Static Table
Table Header 1 Table Header 2 Row 1 Table Data 1 Row 1 Table Data 2 Row 2 Table Data 1 Row 2 Table Data 2

Code Snippet



      Table Header 1

      Table Header 2



      Row 1 Table Data 1

      Row 1 Table Data 2


      Row 2 Table Data 1

      Row 2 Table Data 2

Editable Table

Setting the table header attribute editable to true, you can change the functionality of your table row action to be "edit row data".
Use the event "onTableBulkAction" to catch the event details.

Code Snippet


  // CSS for table tags
  #fieldTable .tagged.Active span { background-color: #24be8d; color: #fff; }
  #fieldTable .tagged span { background-color: #d4d4d4; color: #636363; padding: 6px 10px; font-size: 11px; border-radius: 4px; }

  var fieldTable = document.getElementById('fieldTable');
  var dateFormat = "MM/DD/YYYY"

  // set table bulk actions
  fieldTable.bulkActions = ["Update"];

  // set table headers
  fieldTable.tableHeaders = [
    { label: 'Name', type: "string", editable: true },
    { label: 'Birthday', type: "date", editable: true },
    { label: 'Status', type: "select", hasTag: true, editable: true,
        selectOptions: ['Active', 'Inactive'] }

  // set table data
  fieldTable.tableData = [
    { "id": "sample-001", "Name": "John Doe", "Birthday": "01/02/1990", "Status": "Active" },
    { "id": "sample-002", "Name": "Derek de Guzman", "Birthday": "11/29/1990", "Status": "Inactive" }

  // add table event listener
  fieldTable.addEventListener('onTableBulkAction', function(event) {
    console.log('Edit table event', event.detail);
    alert("Check console log for event data");
Add Event Listener

Code Snippet

  insBaseTable.addEventListener('insPaginationChange', tablePaginationHandler);
  insBaseTable.addEventListener('insTableSearch', tableSearchHandler);
  insBaseTable.addEventListener('insTableSort', tableSortHandler);
  insBaseTable.addEventListener('insTableBulkAction', tableBulkActionHandler);
  insBaseTable.addEventListener('insTableRowAction', tableRowActionHandler);
Set Initial Properties

Code Snippet

  var insBaseTable = document.getElementById('insBaseTable');
  var rawData = [];
  var filteredData = [];
  var displayedData = [];
  var tableHeaders = [];
  var totalCount = 0;
  var pageNumber = 1;
  var pageSize = 10;
  var searchKeyword = '';
  var sortedKeyword = '';

  insBaseTable.loadingScreen = true;
  insBaseTable.bulkActions = ['Archive'];
  insBaseTable.rowActions = ['Archive'];
Complete Example
Table Pagination Handler

Code Snippet

function tablePaginationHandler(event){
  insBaseTable.loadingScreen = true;
  pageSize = event.detail.pageSize;
  pageNumber = event.detail.pageNumber;
Table Search Handler

Code Snippet

function tableSearchHandler(event){
  insBaseTable.loadingScreen = true;
  searchKeyword = event.detail.value;

  if (!searchKeyword) {

  filteredData = [];
  rawData.forEach((value) => {
    Object.keys(value).forEach((key) => {
      if (key === 'Default Column'){
        var match = value[key];
        if (match.toLowerCase().includes(searchKeyword.toLowerCase())) {

  if (sortedKeyword && filteredData.length > 1) {
  insBaseTable.pageNumber = 1;

  if (!filteredData.length) {
    insBaseTable.loadingScreen = true;
    insBaseTable.loaderTitle = '';
    insBaseTable.loaderMessage = 'No result found for "' + searchKeyword + '"';
    insBaseTable.loaderIcon = '';
Table Sort Handler

Code Snippet

function tableSortHandler(event){
  sortedKeyword = event.detail.order === 'asc' ? event.detail.keyword : `-${event.detail.keyword}`;
  if (searchKeyword){
  } else {
Table Bulk Action Handler

Code Snippet

function tableBulkActionHandler(event){
  if (event.detail.action === 'Archive'){
Table Row Action Handler

Code Snippet

function tableRowActionHandler(event){
  if (event.detail.action === 'Archive'){
Process Table Data

Code Snippet

function processTableData(){
  var last_index = pageNumber * pageSize;
  var first_index = (last_index - pageSize) + 1;

  displayedData = [];

  if (searchKeyword) {

    filteredData.forEach((value, index) => {
      if (index >= first_index && index <= last_index) {
      } else if (filteredData.length < pageSize){
    insBaseTable.totalCount = filteredData.length;

  } else {

    rawData.forEach((value, index) => {
      if (index >= first_index && index <= last_index) {
    insBaseTable.totalCount = rawData.length;


  insBaseTable.tableData = displayedData;
  insBaseTable.loadingScreen = false;
Dynamic Key Sort

Code Snippet

function dynamicKeySort(key) {
  var OrderSortIndex = 1;

  if (key[0] === "-") {
    OrderSortIndex = -1;
    key = key.substr(1);

  return function (a, b) {
    var num = (a[key] < b[key]) ? -1 : (a[key] > b[key]) ? 1 : 0;
    return num * OrderSortIndex;
InsBaseTableHeader Demo

Code Snippet

window.addEventListener('load', () => {
  var table = document.getElementById('insBaseTableHeaders');

  table.totalCount = 1;
  table.tableHeaders = [
    { label: "String", type: 'string' },
    { label: "Number", type: 'number' },
    { label: "Currency", type: 'currency' }

  table.tableData = [
    { id: 1, "String": "John Doe", "Number":  100, "Currency": 99.99 }

Code Snippet

  Search bar-placeholder="Search..."
  tooltip="This is a sample tooltip content. It also support html content.">




no-wrap boolean false true, false Removes the table borders and shadow styling
static-table boolean false true, false Enables table accept static data
loading-screen boolean false true, false Enables loader in table
loader-title string "" any Defines title of loader
loader-message string "" any Defines message of loader
loader-icon string "" processing, warning, help, error, success, downloading, uploading Defines icon of loader
heading string "" any Defines header of table
currency string "" any Defines currency in table
table-headers Array of InsBaseTableHeader [] any Defines header of data columns in table
table-data Array [] any Defines data in table (Property keys should match the column header)
empty-value string "-" any String displayed when value is empty
bulk-actions any [] any Define options of Bulk actions dropdown
row-actions any [] any Define options of rows actions
selected-rows any [] any Define options of selected rows
empty-value string "-" any Defines the value displayed when a column has no value
sort-order boolean false true, false Defines the default sorting by order of the header arrow
sort-keyword string "" any Defines the default table header sorted by
text-overflow string "" ellipsis Set the table text-overflow to 'ellipsis'
default-bulk-action string "" [any value set on bulk-actions] Defines the pre-selected bulk action


Search Attributes


search-position string right right, left Changes search field position
without-search boolean false true, false Removes search input field
search-bar-placeholder string "" any Defines the short hint that describes the expected value in the input field


Pagination Attributes


without-pagination boolean false true, false Removes table pagination display
page-number number 1 any Defines number of pages in table
page-size number 10 any Defines size of pages in table
page-size-options number [10, 20, 50] any Defines size options of pages in table
total-count any 0 any Defines total count value


Table Header Data Attributes


label string "" any Text label for column header
sortable boolean false true, false Allow column to be sortable
has-tag boolean false true, false Change styling of the column content to be 'tags'. Column value is appended as class value to the column which can be used for styling
has-link boolean false true, false Change styling of the column to have link styling
has-column-action boolean false true, false Shows table row actions on the column. By default, 1st column will always show row actions (if table row actions are available)
has-image boolean false true, false Marks the column to have an image besides the value   - To set image value, data should be as ["column name"_Img]   (ie. Header Label = ['Customer Name'] then Image = ['Customer Name_Img']
type string "string" string, select, number, currency, date Defines the column data type. "Number & Currency" will make the text right aligned.
editable boolean false true, false Makes the table row field values editable. (table needs to have 'bulk-actions')   Supported field types:     * string (default)   * select   * date
select-options array [] any Defines the options for 'select' field type (on editable only)
date-format string "YYYY-MM-DD" any valid date format Defines field date format (on editable only)




insPaginationChange pageSize, pageNumber Execute a script when pagination is clicked
insTableSearch value Execute a script when an element gets user search input
insTableSort keyword, order Execute a script when table is sorted
insTableBulkAction action,selections,updated_items (for editable table) Execute a script when bulk action button is clicked
insTableRowAction action,header,data (table row data) Execute a script when row action button is clicked
insFieldChange value (for editable table) Execute a script when row field value has changed


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