Element: <ins-editor>
Defines a WYSIWYG editor. This component requires jQuery library.
Code Snippet
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js" integrity="sha256-ZosEbRLbNQzLpnKIkEdrPv7lOy9C27hHQ+Xp8a4MxAQ=" crossorigin="anonymous"> </script>
Code Snippet
<ins-editor label="Editor Content" has-code-editor tooltip="This is a sample tooltip content. It also support html content."> </ins-editor>
Code Snippet
<ins-editor label="Description Example" html-description description="This is a <strong>Description</strong> <i>Example</i>"> </ins-editor>
Code Snippet
<ins-editor label="Error Field" has-error error-message="This is a required field"> </ins-editor>
Code Snippet
<ins-markdown-editor label="Readonly Field" disable-line-numbers value="You cannot edit this value" readonly> </ins-markdown-editor>
Code Snippet
<ins-editor id="directFieldEl"> </ins-editor> <script> var label = "Change logs - Sample"; var value = `<html> <body> <h1>Sample code</h1> </body> </html>`; var field = document.getElementById('directFieldEl'); field.label = label; field.value = value; </script>
Code Snippet
<ins-editor label="Content" id="myEditorEl" has-code-editor> </ins-editor> <ins-button solid label="Get Value" id="getValueBtn"> </ins-button> <script> var button = document.getElementById('getValueBtn'); var editorEl = document.getElementById('myEditorEl'); editorEl.addEventListener('didLoad', function(e){ button.addEventListener('click', function() { console.log("Editor field value below:"); console.log(editorEl.val()); alert('check console to see the value'); }); }); </script>
Code Snippet
<ins-editor label="Content" image-upload id="imagesEditorEl" images="https://docs.insites.io/instances/630/property_uploads/modules/insites_assets/assets_upload/asset/12984ef2-3e9e-4d2b-8589-36cbcbedc03e/WYSIWYG Editor.svg?updated=1723193952"> </ins-editor> <script> var imagesEditorEl = document.getElementById('imagesEditorEl'); imagesEditorEl.addEventListener('onupload', testFileUpload); function testFileUpload(event) { var image = event.detail.image; var upload = event.detail.upload; upload.complete({ "file": { "url": image.name, "id": image.name } }); } </script>
has-code-editor | boolean | false | true, false | Enables the code editor view |
label | string | "" | any | Label shown for the field |
value | string | "" | any | Defines the field value |
name | string | "" | any | Defines the field name |
readonly | boolean | false | true, false | Make the field readonly |
has-error | boolean | false | true, false | Defines if the field is invalid / error |
error-message | string | "" | any | Message shown when field has error |
theme | string | "" | default, monokai, neat, the-matrix, material | Theme color of code editor |
disable-line-numbers | boolean | false | true, false | Hide code editor line numbers |
mode | string | htmlmixed | css, htmlembedded, htmlmixed, javascript, markdown, python, vue, xml, yaml | Language mode of code editor (Syntax highlighting) |
image-upload | boolean | false | true, false | Enables image upload feature of editor |
images | string | "" | any | Enables image selection feature of editor |
class-id | string | random (auto-generated) | any | Unique identifier of editor |
show-source | boolean | false | true, false | Code editor view by default on component initialization |
tooltip | string | "" | - | Displays a tooltip beside the label. Supports HTML Content |
html-description | boolean | false | true, false | Enables HTML tags in the description |
description | string | "" | any | Defines the description value |
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