Import and Export Logs

Last updated on August 01, 2024.

Import and Export Logs enable you to view the status of your data importing and exporting activities on Insites.

Viewing All Import and Export Logs

To view your Import and Export logs:

  1. Navigate to Settings on the main menu.
  2. Select System Logs.

You are taken to a page that displays all importing and exporting activities. You can use the following functionalities to refine your search:

  • Pagination
  • Filter by Type
  • Filter by Module
  • Filter by Status
  • Filter by Date Period

Viewing a System Log in Detail

To view the details of a particular System Log:

  1. Navigate to Settings on the main menu.
  2. Select System Logs.
  3. Find the System Log you want to view and click on its View row action link.
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