Insites Docs Instance EcommerceEcommerce Categories Importing and Exporting Categories

Importing and Exporting Categories

Last updated on August 01, 2024.

Insites enables importing and exporting product categories via comma-separated value (CSV) files. This capability is useful when you need to pass data to or from an external system that is not integrated with Insites.

For example, you may need to migrate inventory data from a spreadsheet to Insites or use inventory data in Insites in another program. In these scenarios, importing and exporting data allows you to transfer data from one system to another without manually re-inputing all of it.

Importing categories

To import categories:

  1. Navigate to Ecommerce from the main menu.
  2. Select Categories.
  3. Select ACTIONS and choose Import.
  4. Select the CSV Template link on the 'Import Categories' modal to download the CSV template.
  5. Use the CSV template as a guide to create an import file that matches the input requirements in Insites.
  6. When your CSV file is ready, return to the 'Import Categories' modal by executing steps #1 - #3.
  7. Use the clickable area on the modal to upload your CSV file.

The following table displays the input requirements and descriptions for importing a category into an Instance:

Column HeaderTypeRequiredDescription
UUID String No UUID of the category.
Category Name String Yes Name of the category.
Parent Category UUIDs Array No An array of parent category UUIDs to which the product category belongs to

Sample input: ["6cd1036f-a13a-4320-8b00-3583d9279552","58858ef9-fdc3-41c9-9cb7-c2b2648fa88e"]
Slug String Yes The URL used to view the category details page.
Category Title String No Title of the category.
Category Heading String No The product category page heading.
Short Description String No Short description of the category.
Long Description String No Long description of the category.
Meta Title String No Title of the category's metadata. A good title has between 40 - 60 characters.
Meta Description String No Description of your metadata. A good meta description has between 150 - 160 characters.
Canonical URL String No A URL used to prevent duplicate content issues in SEO in situations where some pages on your site use multiple URLs.
Is Visible to Search Engines Boolean No

Use this option to show or hide the product category's page on search results. Input options:

  • TRUE
Open Graph String No Customized title of your product category's post on your preferred social media platform. The field can only be used if the 'Use Meta Title as Open Graph Title' option is turned off.
Open Graph Description String No Customized description of your product category's post on your preferred social media platform. Write this description carefully, as a good description can mean the difference between getting clicks or not.
Open Graph URL String No URL (link) associated with your content.
Open Graph Type String No Type of content, i.e., website, article, and blog.
Open Graph Site Name String No The name of your site.
Is Sitemap EnabledBooleanNoAdd or hide the product category page from the system sitemap.
Sitemap PriorityFloatNoThe priority of this product category page's URL relative to other URLs on the site. Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0. URLs are sorted in descending order.
Sitemap OrderIntegerNoThe order of this product category page's URL in relation to other URLs having the same priority value. Similar priority URLs are sorted in ascending order.
Sitemap Change Frequency String No

An indication provided to search engines about how often this product category page is likely changed or updated. Options include the following:

  • Always
  • Hourly
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Yearly

Note that crawlers treat the values chosen as a 'hint,' not a 'command.' For example, crawlers may crawl pages marked 'hourly' less frequently than that.

Schema ContentCodeNoThe Schema markup for your product category page.
Status String No

The status of the product category. Options include the following:

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
  • Archived
Category WeightingIntegerNoNumeric order of the product category when listed.

Adding or updating a category via CSV

Use the 'UUID' column to add or update a category:

  • To ADD a category: Leave the 'UUID' column empty. A new category is created and automatically assigned a new and unique UUID.
  • To UPDATE a category: Provide the relevant 'UUID' of an existing category. Providing a UUID that does not exist causes an error.

Importing images and files is not supported. You can access or download media content from the Insites Instance Admin.

Exporting categories

To export categories:

  1. Navigate to Ecommerce from the main menu.
  2. Select Categories.
  3. Select ACTIONS then choose Export.
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