Insites Docs Instance CRMContactsImporting and Exporting Data for CRM Contacts

Importing and Exporting Data for CRM Contacts

Last updated on November 25, 2024.

Insites allows you to import and export your CRM data in bulk. For example, you may need to migrate your contacts from one (or more) spreadsheets or another CRM to be centrally managed within Insites. The import/export functionality allows you to do this migration without having to manually re-input all of your data.

This article consists of the following topics:

  • Importing contacts
  • Exporting contacts
  • Importing addresses
  • Exporting addresses
  • Importing relationships
  • Exporting relationships

Importing contacts

To import contacts:

  1. Navigate to the CRM from the main menu.
  2. Select Contacts.
  3. Select the overflow menu (), then Import Contacts.
  4. Select the CSV Template link on the 'Import Contacts' drawer to download the CSV template.
  5. Use the CSV template as a guide for creating an import file that matches the input requirements in Insites.
  6. When your CSV file is ready, return to the 'Import Contacts' drawer by executing steps #1 - #3.
  7. Drag and drop your file, or use the clickable area on the drawer to upload your CSV file.

The following table displays the input requirements and descriptions for importing contact data into the CRM:

Column HeaderTypeRequiredDescription
ID String No ID of the contact.
UUID String No Universal Unique Identifier of the contact
Is Archived Boolean No

Indicates whether or not the contact is archived in the Instance. Input options include:

  • TRUE
First Name String No First name of the contact.
Last Name String No Last name of the contact.
Email String Yes Primary email address of the contact.
Prefix String No Prefix used by contact.
Nationality String No Nationality of the contact.
Email 2 String No Alternative email address of the contact.
Company UUID String No Universal Unique Identifier of the company associated with the contact.
Job Title String No Job title of the contact.
Category UUID String No Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the contact category. Input options for this field come from the CRM system fields.
Type UUID String No Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the type of contact being added. Options for this field come from the CRM system fields.
Lead Source UUID String No Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the lead source of the contact. Options for this field come from the CRM system fields.
Assigned To Administrator UUID String No Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the admin user assigned to this contact. Options come from the list of admin users in your Instance Admin.
Date Of Birth String No Contact's date of birth.
Gender String No Contact's gender
Work Phone Country Code String No Country code of the contact's work phone number.
Work Phone Number String No Contact's work phone number.
Home Phone Country Code String No Country code of the contact's home phone number.
Home Phone Number String No Contact's home phone number.
Mobile Phone Country Code String No Country code of the contact's mobile phone number.
Mobile Phone Number String No Contact's mobile phone number.
Facebook Link String No Link to the contact's Facebook profile or page.
X Link String No Link to the contact's X (formerly Twitter) account.
Youtube Link String No Link to the contact's YouTube channel.
Linkedin Link String No Link to the contact's LinkedIn page.
Instagram Link String No Link to the contact's Instagram profile.
Snapchat Link String No Link to the contact's Snapchat.
Social 1 Link String No Link to an alternative social media account used by the contact.
Social 2 Link String No Link to an alternative social media account used by the contact.
Notes String No Notes regarding the contact.
Default Address UUID String No Universal Unique Identifier of the contact's default address.
Addresses Array No Addresses associated with the contact.
Has Alert Message On View Boolean No

Indicates whether or not an alert message is displayed whenever a user views a contact. Input options include:

  • TRUE
Alert Message On View String No The alert message displayed whenever a user views a contact.
Has Alert Message On Edit Boolean No

Indicates whether or not an alert message is displayed whenever a user updates a contact. Input options include:

  • TRUE
Alert Message On Edit String No The alert message displayed whenever a user updates a contact.
Owner Company UUID String No The Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) representing the contact's owner company. This field proves valuable in scenarios where you encounter multi-level CRM requirements within your project. It enables you to identify the contact's owner effectively.

For instance, consider a franchise portal where each branch maintains its own CRM system, and the head office can access all of them.
Owner Contact UUID String No The Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) representing the contact's owner contact.
Stripe ID String No Stripe ID of the company.

Exporting contacts

To export contacts:

  1. Navigate to the CRM from the main menu.
  2. Select Contacts.
  3. Select the overflow menu (), then Export Contacts.

Importing addresses

To import addresses:

  1. Navigate to the CRM from the main menu.
  2. Select Contacts.
  3. Select the overflow menu (), then select Import Addresses.
  4. Select the CSV Template link on the 'Import Addresses' drawer to download the import template.
  5. Use the CSV template as a guide for creating an import file that matches the input requirements in Insites.
  6. When your CSV file is ready, return to the 'Import Addresses' drawer by executing steps #1 - #3.
  7. Use the clickable area on the drawer to upload your CSV file.

These are the input requirements and descriptions for importing company addresses into the CRM:

Column HeaderTypeRequiredDescription
String No Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the address.
Contact UUID String No Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the contact the address is associated with.
Address Label String No Label used for the address.
Address 1 String No Address line 1.
Address 2 String No Address line 2.
Address 3 String No Address line 3.
City String No City of the address.
County String No County of the address.
District String No District of the address.
Suburb String No Suburb of the address.
State String No State of the address.
Country String No Country of the address
Country Code String No Country code of the address.
Postal Code String No Postal code of the address.
Longitude String No Longitude of the address.
Latitude String No Latitude of the address.
Geo JSON String No GeoJSON link of the address.

Exporting addresses

To export addresses:

  1. Navigate to the CRM from the main menu.
  2. Select Contacts.
  3. Select the overflow menu (), then Export Addresses.

Importing relationships

To import relationships:

  1. Navigate to the CRM from the main menu.
  2. Select Contacts.
  3. Select the overflow menu () and select Import Relationships.
  4. Select the CSV Template link on the 'Import Relationships' drawer to download the import template.
  5. Use the CSV template as a guide for creating an import file that matches the input requirements in Insites.
  6. When your CSV file is ready, return to the 'Import Relationships' drawer by executing steps #1 - #3.
  7. Use the clickable area on the drawer to upload your CSV file.

These are the input requirements and descriptions for importing contact relationships into the CRM:

Column HeaderTypeRequiredDescription
Relationship UUID String No Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the relationship.
CRM Type String No

The type of CRM entity you wish to add to the contact. Options include:

  • Contact
  • Company
CRM UUID String No Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the CRM entity used to establish a relationship with another CRM contact.
Related CRM Type String No

The type of CRM entity with which a relationship is established Options include the following:

  • Contact
  • Company
Related CRM UUID String No Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the related CRM.
Relationship Type UUID String No Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the relationship type.

Exporting relationships

To export relationships:

  1. Navigate to the CRM from the main menu.
  2. Select Contacts.
  3. Select the overflow menu (), then Export Relationships.
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