Insites Docs Instance EcommerceProductsProduct Attributes and Variants

Product Attributes and Variants

Last updated on February 17, 2025.

The Ecommerce Product Variants feature empowers you to efficiently manage Product Attributes and Variants, providing your online store customers with an enhanced array of choices.

For instance, envision a T-shirt store. Within this context, Product Attributes encompass size, colour, and material. Conversely, Product Variants represent the amalgamation of these distinct Product Attributes. Consider a Product Variant as a red shirt (colour) crafted from cotton (material) and available in an extra small (size).

The beauty of this system lies in its flexibility. You can incorporate an unlimited number of attribute combinations into a product. Each attribute set contributes to a unique product variant with its SKU, price, inventory status, and other distinctive attributes.

Managing Attributes

You can add, update, and delete Product Attributes. The next sections discuss the steps in detail.

Adding an Attribute

An Attribute can only be added to a Product already in the Database. If you are in the process of adding a Product, a notification is displayed, asking you to save the Product to the Database first before you can make changes to its Attributes.

To add an Attribute to a Product:

  1. Navigate to Ecommerce from the main menu.
  2. Select Products.
  3. Find the Product you want to add an Attribute to and click on its Edit row action link.
  4. Go to the 'Product Details' tab.
  5. Toggle Product Variants to 'Enabled'.
  8. Fill in the details of your Product Attributes.
  9. Select CREATE ATTRIBUTE when you are done creating your Attribute.
  10. Click SAVE.

The table below displays the input descriptions and requirements for adding an Attribute to a Product:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Attribute Name Input Field Yes Product Attribute (i.e. Size, Colour, Texture, etc.).
Field Type Dropdown Field No

The UI input type for the Attribute field. There are four choices:

  • Text
  • Number
  • Decimal
  • Boolean
Options Input Field No The options for your Attribute (i.e. Colour, Red, Green, Blue, etc.).
Show in Table Toggle No Make the Attribute visible (or invisible) in the list of Product Variants.
Searchable in Table Toggle No Make the Attribute searchable or not searchable.
Sortable in Table Toggle No Make the Attribute sortable or not sortable.

Updating an Attribute

To update an Attribute:

  1. Navigate to Ecommerce from the main menu.
  2. Select Products.
  3. Find the Product whose Attribute you want to update and click on its Edit row action link.
  4. Go to the 'Product Details' tab.
  6. Find and click on the Attribute you want to update.
  7. Make your changes and click SAVE.
  8. Click SAVE at the bottom of the form to finalise your changes.

Deleting an Attribute

To delete an Attribute:

  1. Navigate to Ecommerce from the main menu.
  2. Select Products.
  3. Find the Product whose Attribute you want to delete and click on its Edit row action link.
  4. Go to the 'Product Details' tab.
  6. Find and click on the Attribute you want to delete.
  7. Click DELETE.
  8. Complete the process of Product Attribute deletion on the confirmation modal.
  9. Select SAVE to finalise the deletion of your Attribute.

Managing Product Variants

Product Variants are made from a combination of Attributes. You can only add Product Variants if you have configured the Product's Attributes. The next few sections discuss the steps in detail.

Adding a Product Variant

To add a Product Variant:

  1. Navigate to Ecommerce from the main menu.
  2. Select Products.
  3. Choose the Product you want to add a Variant to and click on its Edit row action link.
  4. Go to the 'Product Details' tab.
  6. Fill out the form to create your Product Variant.
  7. Click CREATE VARIANT to save the Product Variant on the Instance.

The table below displays the input descriptions and requirements for adding a Product Variant:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Product Variants Toggle No Toggle to enable or disable Product Variants.
Stock Input Field No Stock level of Product Variant.
Variant SKU Input Field No SKU code of Product Variant.
Regular Price Input Field Yes Regular price of Product Variant excluding tax.
Compare-at Price Input Field No Price to compare the Product at.
Sale Price Input Field No Sale price of the Product excluding tax.
Product on Sale Toggle No Toggle to flag if the product is on sale.
Tax (%) Input Field No Tax rate for the Product.
Shipping Cost Input Field No Shipping cost of the Product excluding tax.
Free Shipping Toggle No Toggle to flag if the Product has free shipping.
Length Input Field No Product length.
Width Input Field No Product width.
Height Input Field No Product height.
Weight Input Field No Product weight.
Gallery Clickable Field No Upload up to 10 images per Product with a max file size of 10MB per image.

Please take note of the following system behaviours when adding a Product Variant:

  • While only the standard system inputs are described, note that you may create any number of Custom Fields.
  • You may use the Ecommerce Configuration feature to adjust the measurement units and currency symbols for the following fields:

    • Regular Price
    • Compare-at Price
    • Sale Price
    • Shipping Cost
    • Length
    • Width
    • Height
    • Weight

Updating a Product Variant

To update a Product Variant:

  1. Navigate to Ecommerce from the main menu.
  2. Select Products.
  3. Find the Product whose Variant you want to update and click on its Edit row action link.
  4. Go to the 'Product Details' tab.
  5. Choose the Product Variant that you want to update and select its Edit row action link.
  6. Make your changes and press SAVE.

Disabling a Product Variant

Product Variants can only be disabled, not deleted. If you want a Product Variant deleted, you must also delete its related Product Attributes. To disable a Product Variant:

  1. Navigate to Ecommerce from the main menu.
  2. Select Products.
  3. Find the Product whose Product Variant you want to disable and click on its Edit row action link.
  4. Go to the 'Product Details' tab.
  5. Choose the Product Variant you want to disable and click on its Disable row action link.
  6. Complete the process of disabling the Product Variant in the confirmation modal.

Enabling a Product Variant

Disabled Product Variants can be restored at any time. To enable a Product Variant:

  1. Navigate to Ecommerce on the main menu.
  2. Select Products.
  3. Find the Product whose Product Variant you want to restore and click on its Edit row action link.
  4. Go to the 'Product Details' tab.
  5. Toggle Product Variants to 'Enabled'.
  6. Toggle the filter near the top of the 'Product Variants' page section to Disabled.
  7. Choose the Product Variants you want to enable using their checkboxes. Ticking the topmost checkbox selects all Product Variants.
  8. Click Bulk Actions and choose Enable.
  9. Click APPLY.
  10. Complete the process of enabling previously disabled Product Variants using the confirmation modal.

You can enable individual Product Variants using their Enable row action links.

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