Adding a Company

Last updated on October 30, 2024.

Follow the steps below to add a company to the CRM:

  1. Navigate to the CRM from the main menu.
  2. Select Companies.
  3. Select ADD COMPANY.
  4. Fill out the forms on the following tabs:
    • Details
    • Contacts
    • Addresses
    • Documents
    • Custom Fields
    • Alerts
    • Company Info
    The input requirements and descriptions for each tab are discussed in a corresponding section in this article.
  5. Select ADD COMPANY.


Provide basic information about a company on this tab. Input details and descriptions are displayed in the tables below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Company Avatar Image Picker No

An image, logo, or branding graphic that best represents the company. Image specifications:

  • File Formats: JPG, JPEG, or PNG
  • Recommended Dimensions: 360px by 360px
  • Recommended File Size: 100 KB
Company Name Input Field Yes Name of the company.
Registered Business Number Input Field No Registered business number of the company.
Stripe ID Input Field No Stripe ID of the company you are adding.
Company Category Dropdown Field No The category the company belongs to. The options from this field come from the CRM system fields. You may add or delete 'Company Category' system fields as needed.
Dropdown Field No

The industry that the company belongs to. Options for this field come from the CRM system fields. 'Industry' system fields as needed.

Company Type Dropdown Field No

The type of company being added. Options for this field come from the CRM system fields. You may add or delete the 'Company Type' system fields as needed.

Lead Source Dropdown Field No The lead source for the company. Options for this field come from CRM system fields.
Assigned To Dropdown Field No The admin user assigned to this company. Possible assignees come from the list of admin users in your Instance Admin.
Owner Company Dropdown Field No The company that owns the company you are adding. This field allows you to handle scenarios where you need to handle multi-level CRM requirements. For example, suppose you have a portal for a franchise. In that case, you can set up your system to enable all franchisees to have their CRMs (and not be able to access other franchisees' CRM data), while the Head Office can see all the franchisees' data.
Owner Contact Dropdown Field No The contact who owns the company you are adding. This field allows you to handle scenarios where you need to handle multi-level CRM requirements.
Website Input Field No Website of the company.
Email 1 Input Field No Primary email address of the company.
Email 2 Input Field No Secondary email address of the company.
Email 3 Input Field No Alternative email address of the company if available.
Phone 1 Country Code Dropdown Field No Country code of the company's primary phone number.
Phone 1 Phone Number Field No The company's primary phone number.
Phone 2 Country Code Dropdown Field No Country code of the company's secondary phone number.
Phone 2 Phone Number Field No The company's secondary phone number.
Phone 3 Country Code Dropdown Field No Country code of the company's alternative or extra phone number.
Phone 3 Phone Number Field No The company's alternative or extra phone number.
Mobile Phone Country Code Dropdown Field No Country code of the company's mobile phone number.
Mobile Phone Phone Number Field No The company's mobile phone number.
Facebook Link Input Field No Link to the company's Facebook profile or page.
X Link Input Field No Link to the company's X account.
YouTube Link Input Field No Link to the company's YouTube channel.
LinkedIn Link Input Field No Link to the company's LinkedIn page.
Instagram Link Input Field No Link to the company's Instagram profile.
Snapchat Link Input Field No Link to the company's Snapchat.
Social 1 Link Input Field No Link to another social media account used by the company.
Social 2 Link Input Field No Link to another social media account used by the company.
Tax Registered Toggle No Indicates whether a company is tax-registered or not.
Tax Reference Input Field No The company's tax reference number.
Notes Text Area No Notes about the company.


You may assign contacts to the company using this tab. The input is a single field that lists all CRM contacts as options.

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Contacts Multi-Select Field Yes The CRM contacts you want to associate with the company. You may select multiple contacts.


Use this tab to add multiple addresses to a company. Here are the input field requirements and descriptions for adding an address:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Default Address Toggle No Use this toggle to make the address the default address of the company.
Address Label Text Field Yes Label for the address.
Search Address Text Field No Search bar for finding an address. Integrating your Instance with Google Maps lets you use the 'Search Address' field to search for a particular address and automatically fill out the form. Please refer to the Google Maps Integration article to learn how to set up Google Maps.
Address 1 Text Field No Address line 1.
Address 2 Text Field No Address line 2.
Address 3 Text Field No Address line 3.
City Text Field No City where the address is located.
County Text Field No County where the address is located.
District Text Field No District where the address is located.
Suburb Text Field No Suburb where the address is located.
State Text Field No State where the address is located.
Country Dropdown Field No Country where the address is located.
Country Code Dropdown Field No Country code of the address.
Postal Code Text Field No Postal code of the address.


You may attach documents related to a company on this tab. Here are the input requirements when adding a document to a company:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Document Label Text Field Yes Label or name for your file.
File Upload Field Yes The file to be uploaded.
Notes Text Area No Notes about the file.

Custom Fields

Add multiple custom data not inherently available in the input fields. For example, observe that there are only a few fields in the 'Social Media' section in the 'Details' tab designated for recording a company's social media links. If you wish to store details about external systems (such as Discord, Teamwork, and TikTok, among others) that are not covered in the default fields, then it would appear that no other options exist. Fortunately, Insites allows extra flexibility through the use of custom fields. You can learn about custom fields in detail by visiting our CRM Custom Fields documentation.


You may provide alert messages for users when one of the following actions is initiated:

  • Viewing a company
  • Editing a company

Here are the input field requirements and descriptions for adding alert messages to a company:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Show View Alert Message Toggle No Enable this option to show an alert message whenever a user views a company.
View Alert Message HTML Editor No Alert message content.
Show Edit Alert Message Toggle No Enable this option to show an alert message whenever a user edits a company.
Edit Alert Message HTML Editor No Alert message content.

Company Info

You can create and manage unique content for a company using this tab. Unlike custom fields, the information stored in this tab is unique to the company you are adding and does not apply to the other companies in the CRM. Input requirements and descriptions for adding unique content are displayed below:

Input LabelTypeRequiredDescription
Company Info Label Input Field Yes The label for the company info.
Attribute Input Field No The attribute of the company info.
Value Text Area No The value of the company info.
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