Insites Docs Instance EcommerceProductsImporting and Exporting Products

Importing and Exporting Products

Last updated on February 17, 2025.

Insites offers a convenient feature for bulk importing and exporting product data using comma-separated value (CSV) files. This functionality proves invaluable when you need to move data between Insites and an external system that lacks native integration with the platform.

For instance, let's consider a scenario where you are migrating your entire inventory data from a spreadsheet to Insites. Conversely, you might need to utilize inventory data from Insites in another application. In such cases, the import/export feature eliminates the need for manual data re-entry, streamlining the data transfer process.

Importing products

To import products:

  1. Navigate to Ecommerce from the main menu.
  2. Select Products.
  3. Click on ACTIONS and choose Import.
  4. Click the CSV Template link on the drawer to download a pre-formatted CSV template.
  5. Fill out the CSV template or use it to verify that your third-party software exports a matching CSV file for Insites fields. The input requirements and descriptions for the CSV file are displayed in a table after this step-by-step guide.
  6. When your CSV file is ready, complete steps #1 to #3 to return to the 'Import Products' drawer.
  7. Upload your CSV file.

The following table displays the input requirements and descriptions for importing a product to the Instance:

Column HeaderTypeRequiredDescription
UUID String No UUID of the product.
Product Name String No Name of the product.
SlugStringYesURL used to view your product details page. Uniqueness validation only checks for related products and categories, not global website slug uniqueness.
SKUStringNoSKU code for inventory tracking. Note that this does not validate uniqueness.
Category UUIDsStringNoUniversal Unique Identifier of the category (or categories) associated with the product
Warranty InfoStringNoWarranty information about the product.
Is FeaturedBooleanNoIndicates if the product you are adding is a featured product.
Is SubscriptionBooleanNoIndicates if the product being added is for a subscription.
Unit Label String No

Describes the unit of your product. Some examples are each, pair, kit, and set.

Short Description String No Short description of the product.
Long Description String No Long description of the product.
Keywords Array No Keywords related to the product that may aid searchability.

Sample input: ["brand new," "premium"]
Stock Level Number No Stock level of product in the inventory.
Is Tax IncludedBooleanNoIndicate if tax is included in the sale price.
Tax AmountFloatNoTax incurred for the product.
Regular PriceFloatYesRegular price of the product excluding tax.
Compare at PriceFloatNoPrice to compare the product to.
Cost Price Float No The expense incurred to produce or purchase the product from a supplier.
Sale PriceFloatNoSale price excluding tax.
Is On SaleBooleanNoIndicates whether the product is on sale or not.
Width Float No Physical width of the product.
Length Float No Physical length of the product.
Height Float No Physical height of the product.
Weight Float No Physical weight of the product.
Is Free Shipping Boolean No Indicates whether the product's shipping costs are free.
Freight Amount Float No Shipping cost of the product excluding tax.
Shipping Width Float No Width of the product when packed for shipping.
Shipping Length
Float No Length of product when packed for shipping.
Shipping Height Float No Height of product when packed for shipping.
Shipping Weight Float No Weight of product when packed for shipping.
Meta Title String No Title of metadata for the product. A good title has between 40 - 60 characters.
Meta Description String No Description of product metadata. A good meta description has between 150 - 160 characters.
Canonical URL String No Canonical URL of the product to prevent duplicate content issues in SEO.
Is Visible to Search EnginesBooleanNoHide or show the product's page on search results.
Open GraphStringNoCustomized Open Graph title of your product. Field can only be used if the 'Different Open Graph Title' option is chosen.
Open Graph DescriptionStringNoCustomized Open Graph description of your product. This field can only be used if the 'Different Open Graph Description' option is chosen. Write this carefully; a good description can mean the difference between getting clicks or not.
Open Graph URLStringNoThe Open Graph URL (link) that is associated with your content.
Open Graph Type String No The Open Graph type.
Open Graph Site Name String No The Open Graph name of your site.
Is Sitemap Enabled Boolean
Add or hide the product page from the system sitemap.
Sitemap Priority Float
The priority of this product page's URL relative to other URLs on the site. Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0. URLs are sorted in descending order.
Sitemap Order Number The order of this product page's URL in relation to other URLs having the same priority value. Similar priority URLs are sorted in ascending order.
Sitemap Change Frequency String

An indication provided to search engines about how often this product page will likely change or be updated. Options include the following:

  • Always
  • Hourly
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Yearly

Note that crawlers treat the values chosen as a 'hint,' not a 'command.' For example, crawlers may crawl pages marked 'hourly' less frequently than that.

Schema Content Code No Schema markup for the product.

The status of the product in the e-commerce module. Options include the following:

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
  • Archived
Product Weighting Number No Numeric order of the product when listed.

You can use the Ecommerce Configuration feature to change the measurement units and currency symbols used by the following fields:

  • Height
  • Length
  • Weight
  • Width
  • Shipping Height
  • Shipping Length
  • Shipping Weight
  • Shipping Width

Adding a product

Leave the UUID column empty to create a new product while uploading.

Updating a product

Provide the UUID for an existing product to update it.


Please take note of the following system behaviors when importing products to your Instance:

  • Importing of product variants is not currently supported.
  • Importing images or files is not currently supported. However, you may add content to your Instance using Assets in the Instance Admin.

Exporting products

To export products:

  1. Navigate to Ecommerce from the main menu.
  2. Select Products.
  3. Click ACTIONS and select Export to download a CSV file of all products onto your local machine.

Please take note of the following system behaviors when importing products to your Instance:

  • Exporting of Product Variants is not currently supported.
  • Exporting of images or files is not currently supported.
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